Naturalization test for Berlin

If you are residing in the state of Berlin, you must complete the German naturalization test in Berlin (Einbürgerungstest), also known as Leben in Deutschland test, as part of the requirements for citizenship and some visa processes. The German and English questions and answers on are reflective of the actual exam and are customized for the state you select. The citizenship test for Berlin on our site is intended for practice purposes only. To take the official test, you will need to book an appointment at your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or a certified language school in Berlin.

For more detailed information about the German Citizenship Test, take a look at our guide at Naturalization test in Germany. And in case you plan to apply for naturalization in Berlin, the official web site will help you along the way.

Berlin citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Berlin.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


What is the main task of a judge in Germany? A judge … 

A) Represents citizens in court. 

B) Works at a court and delivers judgments. 

C) Changes laws. 

D) Supervises young people in court. 

German (Original)

Was ist die Hauptaufgabe eines Richters / einer Richterin in Deutschland? Ein Richter / eine Richterin …

2 / 33


The BIZ Career Information Center at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany helps with ... 

A) Pension calculation. 

B) Apprenticeship search. 

C) Tax return. 

D) Health insurance. 

German (Original)

Das Berufsinformationszentrum BIZ bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Deutschland hilft bei der …

3 / 33


In Germany, you go to the labor court for … 

A) Incorrect utility bills. 

B) Unjustified dismissal by your boss. 

C) Problems with neighbors. 

D) Difficulties following a traffic accident. 

German (Original)

Sie gehen in Deutschland zum Arbeitsgericht bei …

4 / 33


In Germany, the last four weeks before Christmas are called 

A) the Day of Repentance and Prayer 

B) Thanksgiving  

C) Advent season  

D) All Saints' Day 

German (Original)

In Deutschland nennt man die letzten vier Wochen vor Weihnachten …

5 / 33


What are the heads of government of most federal states in Germany called? 

A) First Minister

B) Prime Minister

C) Senator

D) Minister President

German (Original)

Wie werden die Regierungschefs / Regierungschefinnen der meisten Bundesländer in Deutschland genannt?

6 / 33


What do you automatically pay in Germany if you are permanently employed? 

A) Social insurance 

B) Social assistance 

C) Child benefit 

D) Housing benefit 

German (Original)

Was bezahlt man in Deutschland automatisch, wenn man fest angestellt ist?

7 / 33


If you hit a child in Germany, … 

A) It is nobody's business. 

B) It only concerns the family. 

C) You cannot be punished for it. 

D) You can be punished for it. 

German (Original)

Wenn man in Deutschland ein Kind schlägt, …

8 / 33


Which of today's German states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Hesse

B) Schleswig-Holstein

C) Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 

D) Saarland

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

9 / 33


Since when do you pay in cash with the Euro in Germany? 

A) 1995

B) 1998

C) 2002

D) 2005

German (Original)

Seit wann bezahlt man in Deutschland mit dem Euro in bar?

10 / 33


What is the name of the Jewish place of worship? 

A) Basilica 

B) Mosque 

C) Synagogue 

D) Church 

German (Original)

Wie heißt das jüdische Gebetshaus?

11 / 33


In Germany, parents can decide until their child reaches the age of 14 whether the child will participate in 

A) History classes

B) Religious education classes. 

C) Politics classes. 

D) Language classes.

German (Original)

In Deutschland können eltern bis zum 14. Lebensjahr ihres Kindes entscheiden, ob es in der Schule am

12 / 33


What was the "Stasi"? 

A) The secret service in the "Third Reich" 

B) A famous German memorial site 

C) The secret service of the GDR 

D) A German sports club during World War II 

German (Original)

Was war die „Stasi“?

13 / 33


French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl commemorate the dead of both World Wars together in Verdun. What goal of the European Union becomes clear during this meeting? 

A) Friendship between England and Germany 

B) Freedom to travel to all EU countries 

C) Peace and security in the EU countries 

D) Uniform holidays in the EU countries 

German (Original)

Der französische Staatspräsident François Mitterrand und der deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl gedenken in Verdun gemeinsam der Toten beider Weltkriege. Welches Ziel der Europäischen Union wird bei diesem Treffen deutlich?

almanya 235

14 / 33


What is the title of the head of government of the city-state of Berlin? 

A) Minister-President

B) Mayor 

C) President of the Senate 

D) Governing Mayor 

German (Original)

Wie nennt man den Regierungschef / die Regierungschefin des Stadtstaates Berlin?

15 / 33


What was the coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches war das Wappen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik?

almanya 209

16 / 33


What does the abbreviation CSU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian Secure Union 

B) Christian Southern German Union 

C) Christian social entrepreneur federation 

D) Christian Social Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CSU in Deutschland?

17 / 33


Which form of living is not allowed in Germany? 

A) A man and a woman are divorced and living with new partners. 

B) Two women are living together. 

C) A single father lives with his two children. 

D) A man is married to two women at the same time. 

German (Original)

Welche Lebensform ist in Deutschland nicht erlaubt?

18 / 33


Two friends want to go to a public swimming pool in Germany. Both have a dark skin color and are therefore not allowed to enter. What right is being violated in this situation? The right to ... 

A) Freedom of expression 

B) Equal treatment 

C) Freedom of assembly 

D) Freedom of movement 

German (Original)

Zwei Freunde wollen in ein öffentliches Schwimmbad in Deutschland. Beide haben eine dunkle Hautfarbe und werden deshalb nicht hineingelassen. Welches Recht wird in dieser Situation verletzt? Das Recht auf …

19 / 33


What is the basis for Germany's special responsibility towards Israel?

A) From membership in the European Union (EU)

B) From the Nazi crimes against Jews

C) From the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

D) From Christian tradition

German (Original)

Woraus begründet sich Deutschlands besondere Verantwortung für Israel?

20 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Spain 

B) Bulgaria 

C) Norway 

D) Luxembourg 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

21 / 33


The collaboration of parties to form a government in Germany is called... 

A) Unity 

B) Coalition 

C) Ministry 

D) Faction 

German (Original)

Die Zusammenarbeit von Parteien zur Bildung einer Regierung nennt man in Deutschland …

22 / 33


What does "popular sovereignty" mean? 

A) The king/queen rules over the people. 

B) The Federal Constitutional Court is above the constitution. 

C) Interest groups exercise sovereignty together with the government. 

D) State authority emanates from the people. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „Volkssouveränität“?

23 / 33


For how many years is the state parliament in Berlin elected? 

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

German (Original)

Für wie viele Jahre wird das Landesparlament in Berlin gewählt?

24 / 33


At which festival do people in Germany wear colorful costumes and masks? 

A) on Rose Monday 

B) on May Day 

C) at the Oktoberfest 

D) at Whitsun 

German (Original)

Zu welchem Fest tragen Menschen in Deutschland bunte Kostüme und Masken?

25 / 33


When was the GDR founded? 

A) 1947

B) 1949

C) 1953

D) 1956

German (Original)

Wann wurde die DDR gegründet?

26 / 33


Who built the Berlin Wall? 

A) Great Britain 

B) East Germany (DDR) 

C) The Federal Republic of Germany 

D) The USA 

German (Original)

Wer baute die Mauer in Berlin?

27 / 33


What is meant by the right of "freedom of movement" in Germany? 

A) One is allowed to choose their place of residence. 

B) One can change their profession.

C) One is allowed to choose a different religion.

D) One is allowed to be dressed lightly in public. 

German (Original)

Was versteht man unter dem Recht der „Freizügigkeit“ in Deutschland?

28 / 33


Which senator does Berlin not have? 

A) Senator of Finance

B) Senator of the Interior

C) Senator for Foreign Affairs

D) Senator of Justice

German (Original)

Welchen Senator / welche Senatorin hat Berlin nicht?

29 / 33


To participate in democratic elections in Germany is ...

A) a duty.

B) a right.

C) a compulsion.

D) a burden.

German (Original)

An demokratischen Wahlen in Deutschland teilzunehmen ist …

30 / 33


A democratic state governed by the rule of law does not include that … 

A) People can express criticism of the government. 

B) Citizens are allowed to demonstrate peacefully. 

C) People are arrested by a private police force without reason. 

D) Someone commits a crime and is therefore arrested. 

German (Original)

Zu einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat gehört es nicht, dass …

31 / 33


Mrs. Frost works as a permanent employee in an office. What does she not have to pay from her salary? 

A) Income Tax 

B) Contributions to unemployment insurance 

C) Pension and health insurance contributions 

D) Sales tax 

German (Original)

Frau Frost arbeitet als fest angestellte Mitarbeiterin in einem Büro. Was muss sie nicht von ihrem Gehalt bezahlen?

32 / 33


Which measures create social security in Germany? 

A) the health insurance 

B) the car insurance 

C) the building insurance 

D) the liability insurance 

German (Original)

Welche Maßnahme schafft in Deutschland soziale Sicherheit?

33 / 33


What does the German Basic Law prohibit? 

A) Military service

B) Forced labor

C) free choice of profession

D) Working abroad

German (Original)

Was verbietet das deutsche Grundgesetz?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations provided in the German naturalization test for Berlin are intended to help you better understand the content. The official test will not include English questions or answers. The questions and answers on our site are obtained from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you want to take the Leben in Deutschland test for another state in Germany, please visit our states page.

More about the state of Berlin

Before diving into the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Berlin, let’s take a brief look at the state. Berlin is not only Germany’s capital but also its largest city, home to approximately 3.65 million people. It houses the federal government and parliament. Despite its vibrant service sector, Berlin has the highest unemployment rate due to its dense population.

Germany is known for its engineering prowess, and Berlin contributes to this with institutions like the “Berlin Technical University.” The city is also a hub for the arts, hosting numerous art schools and cultural institutions.

Berlin boasts a lively nightlife and a rich history that continues to attract tourists. The city is home to many historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Parliament Building, Museum Island, the Berlin Wall, and Checkpoint Charlie. The Kreuzberg district, often referred to as the Turkish Quarter, is known for its large Turkish community. Now, feel free to have a look at the citizenship test for Berlin.