Naturalization test for Brandenburg

If you live in Brandenburg, Germany, you must complete the German naturalization test in Brandenburg, also Leben in Deutschland test, as a requirement for citizenship and some visa processes. The German and English questions and answers on reflect the actual exam and are tailored to your selected state. Please note that the citizenship test for Brandenburg (Einbürgerungstest) on our site is for practice purposes only. To take the official test, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your local local VHS (Volkshochschule) in Brandenburg.

For more information about the German Citizenship Test, check out our guide with this article Naturalization test in Germany. In case you want to apply for naturalization in Brandenburg, you can visit the official web site here.

Brandenburg citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Brandenburg.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


What do you need for a divorce in Germany? 

A) Parental consent 

B) A medical certificate 

C) Consent from the children 

D) Legal representation from a lawyer 

German (Original)

Was braucht man in Deutschland für eine Ehescheidung?

2 / 33


When can a party be banned in Germany? 

A) If its election campaign is too expensive 

B) If it fights against the constitution 

C) If it criticizes the head of state 

D) If its program suggests a new direction 

German (Original)

Wann kann in Deutschland eine Partei verboten werden?

3 / 33


Who elects the Federal President in Germany? 

A) the Federal Assembly 

B) the Bundesrat 

C) the Federal Parliament 

D) the Federal Constitutional Court 

German (Original)

Wer wählt in Deutschland den Bundespräsidenten / die Bundespräsidentin?

4 / 33


Which federal state is Brandenburg? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Bundesland ist Brandenburg?

almanya 338

5 / 33


What does the term "European integration" mean? 

A) It refers to American immigrants in Europe. 

B) The term refers to a halt in immigration to Europe. 

C) It refers to European emigrants in the USA. 

D) The term refers to the unification of European states into the EU. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet der Begriff „europäische Integration“?

6 / 33


What should you do if you are treated poorly by your contact person at a German authority? 

A) I can do nothing. 

B) I have to put up with this treatment. 

C) I threaten the person. 

D) I can file a complaint with the head of the authority. 

German (Original)

Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie von Ihrem Ansprechpartner / Ihrer Ansprechpartnerin in einer deutschen Behörde schlecht behandelt werden?

7 / 33


How many inhabitants does Germany have? 

A) 70 million 

B) 78 million 

C) 84 million 

D) 90 million 

German (Original)

Wie viele Einwohner hat Deutschland?

8 / 33


What is the title of the head of government in Brandenburg? 

A) First Minister / First Minister

B) Prime Minister / Prime Minister

C) Mayor

D) Minister-President / Minister-President

German (Original)

Wie nennt man den Regierungschef / die Regierungschefin in Brandenburg?

9 / 33


In case of problems with bringing up children, parents in Germany can get help from ... 

A) Public order office. 

B) School board. 

C) Youth Welfare Office. 

D) Public Health Department. 

German (Original)

Bei Erziehungsproblemen können Eltern in Deutschland Hilfe erhalten vom …

10 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Spain 

B) Bulgaria 

C) Norway 

D) Luxembourg 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

11 / 33


How were the occupation zones of Germany distributed after 1945? 

A) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=France, 4=USA 

B) 1=Soviet Union, 2=Great Britain, 3=USA, 4=France 

C) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=USA, 4=France 

D) 1=Great Britain, 2=USA, 3=Soviet Union, 4=France 

German (Original)

Wie waren die Besatzungszonen Deutschlands nach 1945 verteilt?

almanya 176

12 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Hungary 

B) Portugal 

C) Spain 

D) Switzerland 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

13 / 33


What does the principle of equal treatment mean in Germany? 

A) No one may be disadvantaged, for example, due to a disability. 

B) One may disadvantage others if there are sufficient personal reasons for doing so. 

C) No one may file a lawsuit against others if they have been disadvantaged. 

D) It is a law for everyone to donate money annually to disadvantaged groups. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet in Deutschland der Grundsatz der Gleichbehandlung?

14 / 33


The BIZ Career Information Center at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany helps with ... 

A) Pension calculation. 

B) Apprenticeship search. 

C) Tax return. 

D) Health insurance. 

German (Original)

Das Berufsinformationszentrum BIZ bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Deutschland hilft bei der …

15 / 33


Who constitutes the German Bundesrat? 

A) The members of the Bundestag 

B) The ministers of the federal government 

C) The government representatives of the federal states 

D) The party members 

German (Original)

Wer bildet den deutschen Bundesrat?

16 / 33


With the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany, the new federal states now also belong to ... 

A) the European Union. 

B) to the Warsaw Pact. 

C) to OPEC. 

D) to the European Defence Community. 

German (Original)

Mit dem Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehören die neuen Bundesländer nun auch …

17 / 33


At which demonstrations in Germany did people chant "We are the people"? 

A) During the workers' uprising in 1953 in the DDR 

B) During the demonstrations in 1968 in the Federal Republic of Germany 

C) During the anti-nuclear power demonstrations in 1985 in the Federal Republic of Germany 

D) During the Monday demonstrations in 1989 in the DDR 

German (Original)

Bei welchen Demonstrationen in Deutschland riefen die Menschen „Wir sind das Volk“?

18 / 33


The Federal Republic of Germany is currently divided into … 

A) Four occupation zones 

B) An East state and a West state 

C) 16 cantons 

D) Federal states, Länder, and municipalities 

German (Original)

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist heute gegliedert in …

19 / 33


Which measures create social security in Germany? 

A) the health insurance 

B) the car insurance 

C) the building insurance 

D) the liability insurance 

German (Original)

Welche Maßnahme schafft in Deutschland soziale Sicherheit?

20 / 33


Which minister does Brandenburg not have? 

A) Minister of Justice

B) Minister of Foreign Affairs

C) Minister of Finance

D) Minister of the Interior

German (Original)

Welchen Minister / welche Ministerin hat Brandenburg nicht?

21 / 33


Which basic rights apply in Germany only to foreigners? The right to 

A) Protection of the family 

B) Human Dignity 

C) Asylum 

D) Freedom of expression 

German (Original)

Welches Grundrecht gilt in Deutschland nur für Ausländer/Ausländerinnen? Das Grundrecht auf

22 / 33


What do eligible voters in Germany receive before an election? 

A) A voter notification from the municipality 

B) An election permit from the Federal President 

C) A notification from the Federal Assembly 

D) A notification from the parish office 

German (Original)

Was bekommen wahlberechtigte Bürger und Bürgerinnen in Deutschland vor einer Wahl?

23 / 33


Why do you have to declare whether you belong to a church when filing a tax return in Germany? Because … 

A) There is a church tax linked to income tax and wage tax. 

B) It is important for statistical purposes in Germany. 

C) You have to pay more taxes if you don't belong to a church. 

D) The church is responsible for the tax return. 

German (Original)

Warum muss man in Deutschland bei der Steuererklärung aufschreiben, ob man zu einer Kirche gehört oder nicht? Weil …

24 / 33


In 2007 the 50th anniversary of the "Treaties of Rome" was celebrated. What was the content of the treaties? 

A) Accession of Germany to NATO 

B) Foundation of the European Economic Community (EEC) 

C) Germany's commitment to reparations 

D) Definition of the Oder-Neisse line as eastern border 

German (Original)

2007 wurde das 50-jährige Jubiläum der „Römischen Verträge“ gefeiert. Was war der Inhalt der Verträge?

25 / 33


Who decides on a new law in Germany? 

A) the government 

B) the parliament 

C) the court 

D) the police 

German (Original)

Wer beschließt in Deutschland ein neues Gesetz?

26 / 33


What are the heads of government of most federal states in Germany called? 

A) First Minister

B) Prime Minister

C) Senator

D) Minister President

German (Original)

Wie werden die Regierungschefs / Regierungschefinnen der meisten Bundesländer in Deutschland genannt?

27 / 33


What is the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany called? 

A) Basic Law 

B) Federal Constitution 

C) Code of Laws 

D) Constitutional Treaty 

German (Original)

Wie wird die Verfassung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland genannt?

28 / 33


Who did the GDR belong to during the "Cold War"? 

A) to the Western powers 

B) on the Warsaw Pact 

C) to NATO 

D) on the non-aligned states 

German (Original)

Zu wem gehörte die DDR im „Kalten Krieg“?

29 / 33


The collaboration of parties to form a government in Germany is called... 

A) Unity 

B) Coalition 

C) Ministry 

D) Faction 

German (Original)

Die Zusammenarbeit von Parteien zur Bildung einer Regierung nennt man in Deutschland …

30 / 33


In Germany, juveniles from the age of 14 are of criminal age. This means: young people who are 14 years and older and violate criminal laws, ... 

A) will be punished. 

B) are treated like adults. 

C) share the punishment with their parents. 

D) will not be punished. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland sind Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren strafmündig. Das bedeutet: Jugendliche, die 14 Jahre und älter sind und gegen Strafgesetze verstoßen, …

31 / 33


If you are allowed to vote in a Bundestag election in Germany, this means ...

A) active election campaign.

B) active election procedure.

C) active election campaign.

D) active right to vote.

German (Original)

Wenn Sie bei einer Bundestagswahl in Deutschland wählen dürfen, heißt das …

32 / 33


What school-leaving certificate do you normally need to start studying at a university in Germany? 

A) the Abitur 

B) a diploma 

C) the power of attorney 

D) a journeyman's examination 

German (Original)

Welchen Schulabschluss braucht man normalerweise, um an einer Universität in Deutschland ein Studium zu beginnen?

33 / 33


In Germany … 

A) One may only be married to one partner at a time. 

B) One can have multiple spouses simultaneously. 

C) One is not allowed to remarry if they have been married once. 

D) A woman is not allowed to remarry if her husband has died. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland …

Your score is

Please note: The English translations provided in the German naturalization test for Brandenburg are intended to help you understand the material. The official test will not include questions and answers in English. The questions and answers on this site are sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Leben in Deutschland test for a different state in Germany, please visit our states page.

More about the state of Brandenburg

Before exploring the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Brandenburg, let’s briefly introduce the state. Brandenburg is located in northeastern Germany, with Potsdam as its capital. Other significant cities include Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), and Oranienburg. The state covers an area of 29,500 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 2.5 million.

Brandenburg shares a border with Berlin and reflects many of Berlin’s cultural traits. The state has a rich history, filled with numerous historical monuments, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It’s also a paradise for nature lovers, boasting over 3,000 lakes and extensive forests, making it one of Germany’s greenest states. Brandenburg is famous for its rose-filled parks, and it is home to the Sanssouci Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg is home to the Viadrina European University, where Polish and German students study together, which is a significant point of pride for the state. Additionally, Brandenburg is rich in geothermal resources, contributing to both the economy and environmental sustainability through the use of underground energy. It now time to take the citizenship test for Brandenburg.