Education in Germany

If you have moved to Germany or are thinking of moving to Germany, you need to understand the education system in this country very well for yourself and your family members. The German education system is based on an internationally recognized foundation that aims to improve the quality of life of individuals by raising the standards of society and providing the developmental support necessary for people to survive and find their place in society and the world. While in Turkey a primary school teacher is responsible for the education and training of a child, in Germany education is expected to take place within the family and teachers are more responsible for teaching. The teacher also has a very high opinion about which schools a student can attend. In addition to general information about the education system, this section also includes information about universities and higher education.

Student health insurance in Germany

If you want to study in Germany, you will need student health insurance. If international students do not have valid health insurance in Germany, they cannot enroll in German higher education institutions. Student health insurance in...