First steps in Germany

The First Steps in Germany category covers the most important things you need to know and do when you first arrive in Germany. You have checked into your first hotel from the airport, but which websites can you use to find a rental property? How to register for residency (Anmeldung), which you must complete within 2 weeks of arriving in Germany, and much more, even before you move to Germany. This information will enable you to complete many of your legal obligations, such as residence registration, and will also provide you with tips on living in Germany. For example, you can save hundreds of euros when buying electricity or heating services or signing up for insurance in Germany with price comparison websites such as

Getting a driving license in Germany

Getting a driving license in Germany is a thorough process that involves preparing a variety of application documents and meeting specific requirements. It's essential to prepare well, especially for the theory test, as 39% of...

Emergency numbers in Germany

You may or may not have ever needed emergency numbers in Germany. But if something unexpected happens to you, you will still need to pick up the phone and quickly contact the police or fire brigade...