Naturalization test for Hesse

If you reside in the state of Hesse, you must complete the German naturalization test for Hesse (Einbürgerungstest), which is required for German naturalization and certain visa processes. The German, as well as the English, questions and answers you see on our website,, are automatically selected based on your chosen state and are similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam. The naturalization test for Hesse on our site is intended solely for practice. To take the official test, you must schedule an appointment with the VHS (Volkshochschule) in Hesse or with private institutions that offer German courses.

If you would like to learn more about the Germany Naturalization Test (Einbürgerungstest), or the Life in Germany Test (Leben in Deutschland), feel free to check out our article titled “Einbürgerungstest & Leben in Deutschland Test.”

Hesse citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Hesse.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


In Germany, juveniles from the age of 14 are of criminal age. This means: young people who are 14 years and older and violate criminal laws, ... 

A) will be punished. 

B) are treated like adults. 

C) share the punishment with their parents. 

D) will not be punished. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland sind Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren strafmündig. Das bedeutet: Jugendliche, die 14 Jahre und älter sind und gegen Strafgesetze verstoßen, …

2 / 33


What does "rule of law" mean in Germany? 

A) The state is always right. 

B) There are only right-wing parties. 

C) The citizens decide on the laws. 

D) The state must adhere to the laws. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „Rechtsstaat“ in Deutschland?

3 / 33


What does the abbreviation EU mean? 

A) European companies 

B) European Union 

C) Unified Union 

D) Euro Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung EU?

4 / 33


Which religion has shaped European and German culture? 

A) Hinduism 

B) Christianity 

C) Buddhism 

D) Islam 

German (Original)

Welche Religion hat die europäische und deutsche Kultur geprägt?

5 / 33


How many occupation zones were there in Germany after the Second World War? 

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

German (Original)

Wie viele Besatzungszonen gab es in Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg?

6 / 33


By which treaties did the Federal Republic of Germany join with other states to form the European Economic Community? 

A) Through the Hamburg Treaties 

B) through the Treaties of Rome 

C) through the Paris Treaties 

D) through the London Treaties 

German (Original)

Durch welche Verträge schloss sich die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit anderen Staaten zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zusammen?

7 / 33


Which minister does Hesse not have? 

A) Minister of Justice

B) Minister of Foreign Affairs

C) Minister of Finance

D) Minister of the Interior

German (Original)

Welchen Minister / welche Ministerin hat Hessen nicht?

8 / 33


From June 1948 to May 1949, the citizens of West Berlin were supplied via an airlift. What circumstance was responsible for this? 

A) For France, supplying the West Berlin population by airplane was more cost-effective. 

B) The American soldiers feared ambushes during land transport. 

C) For Great Britain, the airlift was a faster means of supply. 

D) The Soviet Union interrupted all land transportation routes. 

German (Original)

Vom Juni 1948 bis zum Mai 1949 wurden die Bürger und Bürgerinnen von West-Berlin durch eine Luftbrücke versorgt. Welcher Umstand war dafür verantwortlich?

9 / 33


The capital city of Hesse is called ... 

A) Kassel

B) Darmstadt

C) Frankfurt

D) Wiesbaden

German (Original)

Die Landeshauptstadt von Hessen heißt ...

10 / 33


What can I do in Germany if my employer has wrongfully terminated me? 

A) Continue working and be friendly to the boss. 

B) Initiate a dunning procedure against the employer. 

C) File a wrongful dismissal lawsuit. 

D) Report the employer to the police. 

German (Original)

Was kann ich in Deutschland machen, wenn mir mein Arbeitgeber / meine Arbeitgeberin zu Unrecht gekündigt hat?

11 / 33


What is not stated in the German Basic Law? 

A) Human dignity is inviolable. 

B) Everyone should have the same amount of money. 

C) Everyone has the right to express their opinion. 

D) All are equal before the law. 

German (Original)

Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?

12 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Hungary 

B) Portugal 

C) Spain 

D) Switzerland 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

13 / 33


What is the work of a judge in Germany? 

A) Govern Germany 

B) Administer justice 

C) Make plans 

D) Enact laws 

German (Original)

Was ist die Arbeit eines Richters / einer Richterin in Deutschland?

14 / 33


What do you need for a divorce in Germany? 

A) Parental consent 

B) A medical certificate 

C) Consent from the children 

D) Legal representation from a lawyer 

German (Original)

Was braucht man in Deutschland für eine Ehescheidung?

15 / 33


How many inhabitants does Germany have? 

A) 70 million 

B) 78 million 

C) 84 million 

D) 90 million 

German (Original)

Wie viele Einwohner hat Deutschland?

16 / 33


What existed during the time of National Socialism in Germany? 

A) The prohibition of political parties 

B) The right to free personal development 

C) Freedom of the press 

D) Protection of human dignity 

German (Original)

Was gab es während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland?

17 / 33


January 27 is an official memorial day in Germany. What does this day commemorate? 

A) The end of World War II 

B) The adoption of the Basic Law 

C) The reunification of Germany 

D) The victims of National Socialism (Day of the Liberation of Auschwitz) 

German (Original)

Der 27. Januar ist in Deutschland ein offizieller Gedenktag. Woran erinnert dieser Tag?

18 / 33


From which country did the first guest workers come to the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Spain 

C) Portugal 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land kamen die ersten Gastarbeiter / Gastarbeiterinnen in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

19 / 33


What are the heads of government of most federal states in Germany called? 

A) First Minister

B) Prime Minister

C) Senator

D) Minister President

German (Original)

Wie werden die Regierungschefs / Regierungschefinnen der meisten Bundesländer in Deutschland genannt?

20 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Finland 

B) Denmark 

C) Norway 

D) Sweden 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

21 / 33


What does "active voting right" mean in Germany? 

A) You can be elected. 

B) You must go to vote. 

C) You can vote. 

D) You must go to the vote count. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „aktives Wahlrecht“ in Deutschland?

22 / 33


From which country did most migrants come to Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Poland 

C) Morocco 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land sind die meisten Migranten / Migrantinnen nach Deutschland gekommen?

23 / 33


The European Parliament is regularly elected, namely all ... 

A) 5 years. 

B) 6 years.

C) 7 years.

D) 8 years.

German (Original)

Das Europäische Parlament wird regelmäßig gewählt, nämlich alle …

24 / 33


What does the abbreviation CDU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian German Union 

B) Club of German Entrepreneurs 

C) Christian German Environmental Protection 

D) Christian Democratic Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CDU in Deutschland?

25 / 33


A judge in Germany is a member of the ... 

A) Judiciary.

B) Executive. 

C) Operational. 

D) Legislative. 

German (Original)

Ein Richter / eine Richterin in Deutschland gehört zur …

26 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of Hesse? 

A) blue-white-red

B) red-white

C) black-gold

D) green-white-red

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Hessen?

27 / 33


At what age are you allowed to participate in the election to the German Bundestag in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 21

D) 23

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter darf man in Deutschland an der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag teilnehmen?

28 / 33


In Germany, who do trade unions represent?

A) Large businesses

B) Small businesses

C) Self-employed individuals

D) Workers

German (Original)

Wen vertreten die Gewerkschaften in Deutschland?

29 / 33


In Germany, the last four weeks before Christmas are called 

A) the Day of Repentance and Prayer 

B) Thanksgiving  

C) Advent season  

D) All Saints' Day 

German (Original)

In Deutschland nennt man die letzten vier Wochen vor Weihnachten …

30 / 33


From what age are you of legal age in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 19

D) 21

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter ist man in Deutschland volljährig?

31 / 33


What should you do if you are treated poorly by your contact person at a German authority? 

A) I can do nothing. 

B) I have to put up with this treatment. 

C) I threaten the person. 

D) I can file a complaint with the head of the authority. 

German (Original)

Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie von Ihrem Ansprechpartner / Ihrer Ansprechpartnerin in einer deutschen Behörde schlecht behandelt werden?

32 / 33


What did the term "Iron Curtain" stand for? For the isolation … 

A) of the Warsaw Pact against the West. 

B) of Northern Germany against Southern Germany. 

C) of Nazi Germany against the Allies. 

D) of Europe against the USA. 

German (Original)

Wofür stand der Ausdruck „Eiserner Vorhang“? Für die Abschottung …

33 / 33


What was the name of the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Konrad Adenauer

B) Kurt Georg Kiesinger

C) Helmut Schmidt

D) Willy Brandt

German (Original)

Wie hieß der erste Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the German naturalization test for Hesse are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include any questions or answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site for the Germany Naturalization Test have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Life in Germany Test for a different state in Germany, please return to our states page.

More about the state of Hesse

Before reviewing the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Hesse, let’s briefly get to know the state. Hesse is located in the central southwestern region of Germany. The state has a population of 6 million, but due to its aging population, it is estimated that the population will drop below 5 million by 2050. Hesse is the fifth most populous state in Germany and the seventh largest in terms of area. The capital of Hesse is Wiesbaden, while Frankfurt is the most populous city within the state. Hesse borders North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, and Rhineland-Palatinate. Other important cities in Hesse include Frankfurt, Marburg, Giessen, Taunusstein, and Borken.

The central region’s mountains have the highest elevation at 950 meters. The state features large mountains and hills and receives abundant rainfall. Outside of its urban and industrial areas, much of the state is dedicated to agriculture and forestry. Vineyards can be found on the slopes of the Rhine River. Major employers in the state include Lufthansa AG, German Railways, the German Postal Group, the ReWe Group, Frankfurt Airport, Telekom AG, Opel, and Volkswagen.

Hesse is also known for its prestigious educational institutions, such as Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Marburg Philipps University, and Kassel University. The state has clubs that compete in federal leagues across various sports, and it offers facilities suitable for both summer and winter sports. Good luck with citizenship test in Hesse.