Personal finances in Germany

In Germany, which is a welfare state, the concept of family life is prioritized by the state. One of the most important reasons for this is the lower than expected population growth in Germany. In fact, in 2020, the population in Germany began to decline for the first time in a long time. For this reason, Germany has a large number of state benefits aimed at supporting families. These include free school education, child allowance, parental allowance, tax incentives and allowances for families whose income is too low to cover the basic needs of their children. In the section on being a family in Germany, you will find information about state support for families in Germany, such as maternity and parental leave and child benefit. We also provide many tips on how to reduce your expenses in the family economy.

Taking out a loan in Germany

Many people are curious about taking out a loan in Germany. While there are many types of loans that vary according to personal, home loans or needs, curiosity about how the procedure works is of course...