The Skilled Immigration Act (FEG), enacted in June 2023, streamlines the process for skilled workers to immigrate to Germany. Key provisions took effect in November 2023, introducing the term “Engpassberuf,” referring to professions with a critical shortage of workers, basically the most demanded jobs in Germany
The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) in Germany regularly updates a list of these most demanded jobs in Germany, crucial for the EU Blue Card and Opportunity Card (Chancenkarte) applications.
Now, let’s explore the shortage occupations in Germany under Germany’s Residence Act (§18g Abs. 1 S. 2 Nr. 1 AufenthG).
Table of Contents
ToggleIn-Demand Professions in Germany
With the approval of the New Skilled Immigration Act in June 2023, the list of in-demand professions eligible for the EU Blue Card has significantly expanded.
In addition to current high-demand fields like mathematics, IT, science, engineering, and human medicine, skilled workers in the following professions can now also qualify for the EU Blue Card if they meet other criteria:
- Managers in manufacturing, mining, construction, or distribution
- IT and communications technology service managers
- Professional service managers like childcare or healthcare managers
- Veterinarians
- Dentists
- Pharmacists
- Nursing or midwifery specialists
- School and extracurricular teachers and educators
These most demanded jobs in Germany are categorized according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08). You can access the official list in German or English. Below, we provide the official titles with detailed Turkish explanations of the most sought-after professions in Germany.
Alternatively, you can watch our video below. Just turn on the subtitles unless you sharpen your Turkish language skills.
Full list of the most demanded jobs in Germany
Now, let’s get into the full list of high demand jobs in Germany. For each occupation, we wrote down the German version, as well as the English one.
Group 132 – Manufacturing, Mining, Construction, and Distribution Managers
The profession is referred to in English as “Manufacturing, mining, construction, and distribution managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Produktion bei der Herstellung von Waren, im Bergbau und im Bau sowie in der Logistik.”
The role of 1321. Manufacturing Managers is expressed in English as “Manufacturing managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Produktion bei der Herstellung von Waren.”
1322. Mining Managers are known in English as “Mining managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Produktion im Bergbau.”
1323. Construction Managers are described in English as “Construction managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Produktion im Bau.”
1324. Supply, Distribution, and Related Managers are referred to in English as “Supply, distribution and related managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Beschaffung, Logistik und in verwandten Bereichen.”
Group 133 – Information and Communications Technology Service Managers
This profession, listed in the in-demand occupations in Germany, is called “Information and communications technology service managers” in English and “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie” in German.
Group 134 – Professional Services Managers
1341. Childcare Services Managers are referred to in English as “Childcare services managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen der Kinderbetreuung.”
1342. Health Services Managers are described in English as “Health services managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen.”
1343. Aged Care Services Managers are known in English as “Aged care services managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen der Altenbetreuung.”
1344. Social Welfare Managers are referred to in English as “Social welfare managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen der Sozialfürsorge.”
1345. Education Managers are expressed in English as “Education managers” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen des Bildungswesens.”
1346. Financial and Insurance Services Branch Managers are called “Financial and insurance services branch managers” in English and “Führungskräfte auf Filialebene in der Erbringung von Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen” in German.
1349. Other Professional Services Managers Not Elsewhere Classified are also within the list of most demanded jobs in Germany and described in English as “Professional services managers not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Führungskräfte in der Erbringung von speziellen Dienstleistungen, anderweitig nicht genannt.”
Group 21 – Science and Engineering Professionals
This profession, listed among the most in-demand jobs in Germany, is referred to in English as “Science and engineering professionals” and in German as “Naturwissenschaftler, Mathematiker und Ingenieure.”
211. Physical and Earth Science Professionals are known in English as “Physical and earth science professionals” and in German as “Physiker, Chemiker, Geologen und verwandte Berufe.”
2111. Physicists and Astronomers are referred to in English as “Physicists and astronomers” and in German as “Physiker und Astronomen.”
2112. Meteorologists are expressed in English as “Meteorologists” and in German as “Meteorologen.”
2113. Chemists are known in English as “Chemists” and in German as “Chemiker.”
2114. Geologists and Geophysicists are referred to in English as “Geologists and geophysicists” and in German as “Geologen und Geophysiker.”
212. Mathematicians, Actuaries, and Statisticians are listed in English as “Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians” and in German as “Mathematiker, Versicherungsmathematiker und Statistiker.”
213. Life Science Professionals are referred to in English as “Life science professionals” and in German as “Biowissenschaftler.”
2131. Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists, and Related Professionals are expressed in English as “Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals” and in German as “Biologen, Botaniker, Zoologen und verwandte Berufe.”
2132. Farming, Forestry, and Fisheries Advisers are referred to in English as “Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers” and in German as “Agrar-, Forst und Fischereiwissenschaftler und -berater.”
2133. Environmental Protection Professionals are known in English as “Environmental protection professionals” and in German as “Umweltwissenschaftler.”
214. Engineering Professionals (Excluding Electrotechnology)
This profession is referred to in English as “Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology)” and in German as “Ingenieurwissenschaftler (ohne Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Telekommunikation).” Well, let’s not forget: any type of engineering would easily find a job in Germany. Engineering related jobs are clearly the most demanded jobs in Germany.
2141. Industrial and Production Engineers are known in English as “Industrial and production engineers” and in German as “Wirtschafts- und Produktionsingenieure.”
2142. Civil Engineers are referred to in English as “Civil engineers” and in German as “Bauingenieure.”
2143. Environmental Engineers are expressed in English as “Environmental engineers” and in German as “Umweltschutzingenieure.”
2144. Mechanical Engineers are known in English as “Mechanical engineers” and in German as “Maschinenbauingenieure.”
2145. Chemical Engineers are referred to in English as “Chemical engineers” and in German as “Chemieingenieure.”
2146. Mining Engineers, Metallurgists, and Related Professionals are listed among the most in-demand professions in Germany and are known in English as “Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals” and in German as “Bergbauingenieure, Metallurgen und verwandte Berufe.”
2149. Other Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified are referred to in English as “Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Ingenieure, anderweitig nicht genannt.”
215. Electrotechnology Engineers
This profession is referred to in English as “Electrotechnology engineers” and in German as “Ingenieure in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Telekommunikationstechnik.”
2151. Electrical Engineers are known in English as “Electrical engineers” and in German as “Ingenieure im Bereich Elektrotechnik.”
2152. Electronics Engineers are expressed in English as “Electronics engineers” and in German as “Ingenieure im Bereich Elektronik.”
2153. Telecommunications Engineers are referred to in English as “Telecommunications engineers” and in German as “Ingenieure im Bereich Telekommunikationstechnik.”
216. Architects, Planners, Surveyors, and Designers
This group is referred to in English as “Architects, planners, surveyors and designers” and in German as “Architekten, Raum-, Stadt- und Verkehrsplaner, Vermessungsingenieure und Designer.”
2161. Building Architects are known in English as “Building architects” and in German as “Architekten.”
2162. Landscape Architects are expressed in English as “Landscape architects” and in German as “Landschaftsarchitekten.”
2163. Product and Garment Designers are referred to in English as “Product and garment designers” and in German as “Produkt- und Textildesigner.”
2164. Town and Traffic Planners are known in English as “Town and traffic planners” and in German as “Raum-, Stadt- und Verkehrsplaner.”
2165. Cartographers and Surveyors are expressed in English as “Cartographers and surveyors” and in German as “Kartografen und Vermessungsingenieure.”
2166. Graphic and Multimedia Designers are referred to in English as “Graphic and multimedia designers” and in German as “Grafik- und Multimediadesigner.”
Group 221 – Medical Doctors within the most demanded jobs in Germany
This profession is referred to in English as “Medical doctors” and in German as “Ärzte.”
2211. Generalist Medical Practitioners are known in English as “Generalist medical practitioners” and in German as “Allgemeinärzte.”
2212. Specialist Medical Practitioners are expressed in English as “Specialist medical practitioners” and in German as “Fachärzte.”
Group 222 – Nursing and Midwifery Professionals
This profession is referred to in English as “Nursing and midwifery professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Krankenpflege- und Geburtshilfefachkräfte.”
2221. Nursing Professionals are known in English as “Nursing professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Krankenpflegefachkräfte.”
2222. Midwifery Professionals are expressed in English as “Midwifery professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Geburtshilfefachkräfte.”
Group 225 – Veterinarians within the most demanded jobs in Germany
This profession is referred to in English as “Veterinarians” and in German as “Tierärzte.”
Group 226 – Other Health Professionals
This group is referred to in English as “Other health professionals” and in German as “Sonstige akademische und verwandte Gesundheitsberufe.”
2261. Dentists are known in English as “Dentists” and in German as “Zahnärzte.”
2262. Pharmacists are expressed in English as “Pharmacists” and in German as “Apotheker.”
2263. Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professionals are referred to in English as “Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Fachkräfte in den Bereichen Umwelt- und Arbeitsmedizin sowie Hygiene.”
2264. Physiotherapists are known in English as “Physiotherapists” and in German as “Physiotherapeuten.” For physiotherapists in Germany, we offer services including recognition of qualifications, recruitment, placement, and visa application acceleration, with special consultancy for nurses from our Düsseldorf office.
2265. Dieticians and Nutritionists are referred to in English as “Dieticians and nutritionists” and in German as “Diätologen und Ernährungsberater.”
2266. Audiologists and Speech Therapists are known in English as “Audiologists and speech therapists” and in German as “Audiologen und Sprachtherapeuten.”
2267. Optometrists and Ophthalmic Opticians are expressed in English as “Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians” and in German as “Optometristen und Orthoptisten.”
2269. Other Health Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified are referred to in English as “Health professionals not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Akademische und verwandte Gesundheitsberufe, anderweitig nicht genannt.”
Group 23 – Teaching Professionals also within the most demanded jobs in Germany
This profession is referred to in English as “Teaching professionals” and in German as “Lehrkräfte.”
231. University and Higher Education Teachers are known in English as “University and higher education teachers” and in German as “Universitäts- und Hochschullehrer.”
232. Vocational Education Teachers are expressed in English as “Vocational education teachers” and in German as “Lehrkräfte im Bereich Berufsbildung.”
233. Secondary Education Teachers are referred to in English as “Secondary education teachers” and in German as “Lehrkräfte im Sekundarbereich.”
234. Primary School and Early Childhood Teachers are known in English as “Primary school and early childhood teachers” and in German as “Lehrkräfte im Primar- und Vorschulbereich.”
2342. Early Childhood Educators are expressed in English as “Early childhood educators” and in German as “Lehrkräfte und Erzieher im Vorschulbereich.”
235. Other Teaching Professionals
This group, listed among the most in-demand professions in Germany, is referred to in English as “Other teaching professionals” and in German as “Sonstige Lehrkräfte.”
2351. Education Methods Specialists are known in English as “Education methods specialists” and in German as “Pädagogik- und Didaktikspezialisten.”
2352. Special Needs Teachers are referred to in English as “Special needs teachers” and in German as “Lehrkräfte im Bereich Sonderpädagogik.”
2353. Other Language Teachers are expressed in English as “Other language teachers” and in German as “Sonstige Sprachlehrer.”
2354. Other Music Teachers are known in English as “Other music teachers” and in German as “Sonstige Musiklehrer.”
2355. Other Arts Teachers are referred to in English as “Other arts teachers” and in German as “Sonstige Kunstlehrer.”
2356. Information Technology Trainers are expressed in English as “Information technology trainers” and in German as “Ausbilder im Bereich Informationstechnologie.”
2359. Other Teaching Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified are known in English as “Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Lehrkräfte, anderweitig nicht genannt.”
Group 25 – Information and Communications Technology Professionals
This profession, listed among the most in-demand in Germany, is referred to in English as “Information and communications technology professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Fachkräfte in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie.”
251. Software and Applications Developers and Analysts are known in English as “Software and applications developers and analysts” and in German as “Entwickler und Analytiker von Software und Anwendungen.”
2511. Systems Analysts are referred to in English as “Systems analysts” and in German as “Systemanalytiker.”
2512. Software Developers are expressed in English as “Software developers” and in German as “Softwareentwickler.”
2513. Web and Multimedia Developers are known in English as “Web and multimedia developers” and in German as “Web- und Multimediaentwickler.”
2514. Applications Programmers are referred to in English as “Applications programmers” and in German as “Anwendungsprogrammierer.”
2519. Other Software and Applications Developers and Analysts Not Elsewhere Classified are expressed in English as “Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Entwickler und Analytiker von Software und Anwendungen, anderweitig nicht genannt.”
252. Database and Network Professionals are known in English as “Database and network professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Fachkräfte für Datenbanken und Netzwerke.”
2521. Database Designers and Administrators are referred to in English as “Database designers and administrators” and in German as “Datenbankentwickler und -administratoren.”
2522. Systems Administrators are expressed in English as “Systems administrators” and in German as “Systemadministratoren.”
2523. Computer Network Professionals are known in English as “Computer network professionals” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Fachkräfte für Computernetzwerke.”
2529. Other Database and Network Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified are referred to in English as “Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified” and in German as “Akademische und vergleichbare Fachkräfte für Datenbanken und Netzwerke, anderweitig nicht genannt.”