Naturalization test for Baden-Württemberg

If you are living in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, completing the German naturalization test for Baden-Württemberg (Einbürgerungstest) is necessary for acquiring German citizenship and certain visas in this state. The German naturalization questions and answers and corresponding English translations displayed are customized based Baden-Württemberg and closely resemble the ones you’ll face in the official exam. The Baden-Württemberg practice test available on our site is meant solely for preparation. To take the official test, you must book an appointment through your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or another certified institution that offers German language courses.

For a preliminary understanding of the German Citizenship Test (Einbürgerungstest) or the Life in Germany Test (Leben in Deutschland), be sure to check out our article titled Naturalization test in Germany. In case you want to learn more about citizenship for Baden-Württemberg, official web site of city of Heidelberg will help you while you need to do the application in your registered city.

Baden-Württemberg citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Baden-Württemberg.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes. When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


What is primarily a responsibility of the federal states in Germany? 

A) Defense policy 

B) Foreign policy 

C) Economic policy 

D) Education policy 

German (Original)

Was ist in Deutschland vor allem eine Aufgabe der Bundesländer?

2 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Romania 

B) Bulgaria 

C) Poland 

D) Greece 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

3 / 33


When does a court case occur in Germany? When someone … 

A) Converts to a different religion. 

B) Commits a crime and is charged. 

C) Holds a different opinion from that of the government. 

D) Parks their car incorrectly and it is towed. 

German (Original)

Wann kommt es in Deutschland zu einem Prozess vor Gericht? Wenn jemand …

4 / 33


The collaboration of parties to form a government in Germany is called... 

A) Unity 

B) Coalition 

C) Ministry 

D) Faction 

German (Original)

Die Zusammenarbeit von Parteien zur Bildung einer Regierung nennt man in Deutschland …

5 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of Baden-Württemberg? 

A) blue-white-red

B) black-gold

C) white-blue

D) green-white-red

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Baden-Württemberg?

6 / 33


What should you do if you are treated poorly by your contact person at a German authority? 

A) I can do nothing. 

B) I have to put up with this treatment. 

C) I threaten the person. 

D) I can file a complaint with the head of the authority. 

German (Original)

Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie von Ihrem Ansprechpartner / Ihrer Ansprechpartnerin in einer deutschen Behörde schlecht behandelt werden?

7 / 33


In which other country is there a large German-speaking population? 

A) Czech Republic 

B) Norway 

C) Spain 

D) Austria 

German (Original)

In welchem anderen Land gibt es eine große deutschsprachige Bevölkerung?

8 / 33


Who can citizens in Germany not directly elect? 

A) Members of the European Parliament 

B) The Federal President 

C) State Parliament Members 

D) Bundestag Members 

German (Original)

Wen kann man als Bürger / Bürgerin in Deutschland nicht direkt wählen?

9 / 33


What is Germany not? 

A) a democracy 

B) a constitutional state 

C) a monarchy

D) a welfare state 

German (Original)

Was ist Deutschland nicht?

10 / 33


What can one be honored with in the Federal Republic of Germany for outstanding achievements in political, economic, cultural, intellectual, or social fields? 

A) The Federal Cross of Merit 

B) The Federal Eagle 

C) The Patriotic Merit Order 

D) The Honorary Title "Hero of the German Democratic Republic" 

German (Original)

Womit kann man in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geehrt werden, wenn man auf politischem, wirtschaftlichem, kulturellem, geistigem oder sozialem Gebiet eine besondere Leistung erbracht hat? Mit dem …

11 / 33


When did the GDR build the wall in Berlin? 

A) 1919

B) 1933

C) 1961

D) 1990

German (Original)

Wann baute die DDR die Mauer in Berlin?

12 / 33


A judge in Germany belongs to the … 

A) executive power.

B) judicial power.

C) planning power.  

D) legislative power. 

German (Original)

Ein Richter / eine Richterin gehört in Deutschland zur 

13 / 33


Elections in Germany are free. What does this mean? 

A) You are allowed to accept money if you vote for a specific candidate. 

B) Only people who have never been in prison are allowed to vote. 

C) The voter must not be influenced or forced to cast a certain vote, and should not suffer any disadvantages because of their vote. 

D) All eligible voters are required to vote. 

German (Original)

Wahlen in Deutschland sind frei. Was bedeutet das?

14 / 33


Since when do you pay in cash with the Euro in Germany? 

A) 1995

B) 1998

C) 2002

D) 2005

German (Original)

Seit wann bezahlt man in Deutschland mit dem Euro in bar?

15 / 33


Which court in Germany is responsible for interpreting the Basic Law? 

A) Higher Regional Court 

B) Local Court 

C) Federal Constitutional Court 

D) Administrative Court 

German (Original)

Welches Gericht in Deutschland ist zuständig für die Auslegung des Grundgesetzes?

16 / 33


What does the abbreviation CDU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian German Union 

B) Club of German Entrepreneurs 

C) Christian German Environmental Protection 

D) Christian Democratic Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CDU in Deutschland?

17 / 33


At what age are you allowed to participate in the election to the German Bundestag in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 21

D) 23

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter darf man in Deutschland an der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag teilnehmen?

18 / 33


What is the main task of the German Federal President? He/She … 

A) Governs the country. 

B) Drafts the laws. 

C) Represents the country. 

D) Monitors the adherence to laws. 

German (Original)

Welche Hauptaufgabe hat der deutsche Bundespräsident / die deutsche Bundespräsidentin? Er / Sie …

19 / 33


If you are allowed to vote in a Bundestag election in Germany, this means ...

A) active election campaign.

B) active election procedure.

C) active election campaign.

D) active right to vote.

German (Original)

Wenn Sie bei einer Bundestagswahl in Deutschland wählen dürfen, heißt das …

20 / 33


In 1933, the National Socialists with Adolf Hitler erected a new building in Germany ... 

A) a dictatorship. 

B) a democratic state. 

C) a monarchy. 

D) a principality. 

German (Original)

Die Nationalsozialisten mit Adolf Hitler errichteten 1933 in Deutschland …

21 / 33


Which of today's German states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Thüringen

B) Hesse

C) Bavaria 

D) Bremen

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

22 / 33


When were the National Socialists in power in Germany? 

A) 1888 to 1918 

B) 1921 to 1934 

C) 1933 to 1945 

D) 1949 to 1963 

German (Original)

Wann waren die Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland an der Macht?

23 / 33


Which one is a district in Baden-Württemberg? 

A) Mecklenburgische Seenplatte

B) Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis

C) Nordfriesland

D) Altötting

German (Original)

Welches ist ein Landkreis in Baden-Württemberg?

24 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Spain 

B) Bulgaria 

C) Norway 

D) Luxembourg 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

25 / 33


Who is eligible to become a member of the approximately 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs? 

A) Only Germans 

B) Only Israelis 

C) Only religious individuals 

D) All people 

German (Original)

Wer darf bei den rund 40 jüdischen Makkabi-Sportvereinen Mitglied werden?

26 / 33


Which of today's German federal states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Brandenburg

B) Bavaria 

C) Saarland

D) Hesse

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

27 / 33


The capital city of Baden-Württemberg is called ... 

A) Heidelberg

B) Stuttgart

C) Karlsruhe

D) Mannheim

German (Original)

Die Landeshauptstadt von Baden-Württemberg heißt ...

28 / 33


Who is called the "Chancellor of German Unity"? 

A) Gerhard Schröder

B) Helmut Kohl

C) Konrad Adenauer

D) Helmut Schmidt

German (Original)

Wer wird als „Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit“ bezeichnet?

29 / 33


A man in a wheelchair has applied for a position as an accountant. What is an example of discrimination? He does not get the job just because he … 

A) is in a wheelchair. 

B) has no experience. 

C) has high salary expectations. 

D) does not speak English. 

German (Original)

Ein Mann im Rollstuhl hat sich auf eine Stelle als Buchhalter beworben. Was ist ein Beispiel für Diskriminierung? Er bekommt die Stelle nur deshalb nicht, weil er …

30 / 33


What does the abbreviation EU mean? 

A) European companies 

B) European Union 

C) Unified Union 

D) Euro Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung EU?

31 / 33


Which of the following is compatible with the German Basic Law? 

A) Corporal punishment 

B) Torture 

C) Death penalty 

D) Fines 

German (Original)

Was ist mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz vereinbar?

32 / 33


What is the name of the parliament for all of Germany? 

A) Federal Assembly 

B) People's Chamber 

C) Bundestag 

D) Federal Court of Justice 

German (Original)

Wie heißt das Parlament für ganz Deutschland?

33 / 33


What kind of honorary office must German citizens assume when they are asked to do so? 

A) Club trainer 

B) Election worker 

C) Library supervision 

D) Teacher 

German (Original)

Welches Ehrenamt müssen deutsche Staatsbürger / Staatsbürgerinnen übernehmen, wenn sie dazu aufgefordert werden?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the German naturalization test for Baden-Württemberg are provided solely to help you understand the material. The official test will not feature questions and answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site are sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Einbürgerungstest for a different state in Germany, please return to our states page.

More about the state of Baden-Württemberg

Before reviewing the German naturalization test for Baden-Württemberg, let’s briefly introduce the state. Located in southwestern Germany, Baden-Württemberg is the third-largest state by area and population, with around 11.7 million residents. Its capital is Stuttgart, and other major cities include Konstanz, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Tübingen, and Heidelberg. The state has a low unemployment rate and shares borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, Hesse, and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Baden-Württemberg is renowned for its education, hosting some of Germany’s top universities, such as the “Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University” and the “Karlsruhe Institute of Technology” in Stuttgart. The state is also an economic powerhouse in the automotive sector, with significant tourist and engineering attractions, including the Mercedes-Benz Museum, Heidelberg Castle, and Freiburg Cathedral. Good luck with your citizenship test for Baden-Württemberg!