Naturalization test for Berlin

If you are residing in the state of Berlin, you must complete the German naturalization test in Berlin (Einbürgerungstest), also known as Leben in Deutschland test, as part of the requirements for citizenship and some visa processes. The German and English questions and answers on are reflective of the actual exam and are customized for the state you select. The citizenship test for Berlin on our site is intended for practice purposes only. To take the official test, you will need to book an appointment at your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or a certified language school in Berlin.

For more detailed information about the German Citizenship Test, take a look at our guide at Naturalization test in Germany. And in case you plan to apply for naturalization in Berlin, the official web site will help you along the way.

Berlin citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Berlin.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


Which right is guaranteed as a fundamental right under the German constitution? The right to 

A) Freedom of belief and conscience 

B) Entertainment 

C) Work 

D) Housing 

German (Original)

Welches Recht gehört zu den Grundrechten, die nach der deutschen Verfassung garantiert werden? Das Recht auf

2 / 33


To be eligible to vote in a federal election in Germany, one must... 

A) reside in the Federal Republic of Germany and wish to vote. 

B) be a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany and be at least 18 years old. 

C) have lived in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least 3 years. 

D) be a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany and be at least 21 years old. 

German (Original)

Bei einer Bundestagswahl in Deutschland darf jeder wählen, der …

3 / 33


Where does the German Chancellor spend the most time? He/she is most frequently ... 

A) in Bonn, because the Federal Chancellery and the Bundestag are located there. 

B) in Meseberg Castle, the guest house of the Federal Government, to receive state guests. 

C) at Schloss Bellevue, the official residence of the Federal President, to receive state guests. 

D) in Berlin, because the Federal Chancellery and the Bundestag are located there. 

German (Original)

Wo hält sich der deutsche Bundeskanzler / die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin am häufigsten auf? Am häufigsten ist er / sie …

4 / 33


What form of government does Germany have? 

A) Monarchy

B) Dictatorship

C) Republic

D) Principality

German (Original)

Was für eine Staatsform hat Deutschland?

5 / 33


Which of today's German federal states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Bavaria 

B) Lower Saxony 

C) Saxony 

D) Baden-Württemberg 

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

6 / 33


What was the coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches war das Wappen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik?

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7 / 33


What does the abbreviation EU mean? 

A) European companies 

B) European Union 

C) Unified Union 

D) Euro Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung EU?

8 / 33


In which other country is there a large German-speaking population? 

A) Czech Republic 

B) Norway 

C) Spain 

D) Austria 

German (Original)

In welchem anderen Land gibt es eine große deutschsprachige Bevölkerung?

9 / 33


Where can you get information about political topics in Berlin? 

A) at the municipal regulatory office

B) at the churches

C) at the consumer advice center

D) at the State Agency for Civic Education

German (Original)

Wo können Sie sich in Berlin über politische Themen informieren?

10 / 33


A young woman wants to get her driver's license. She is afraid of the exam because her native language is not German. What is correct? 

A) She must live in Germany for at least ten years before she can get the driver's license. 

B) If she does not speak German, she cannot have a driver's license. 

C) She must get the driver's license in the country where her language is spoken. 

D) She may be able to take the theory test in her native language. There are more than ten languages available. 

German (Original)

Eine junge Frau will den Führerschein machen. Sie hat Angst vor der Prüfung, weil ihre Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist. Was ist richtig?

11 / 33


What is the name of the current Federal Chancellor of Germany? 

A) Gerhard Schröder

B) Angela Merkel

C) Franziska Giffey

D) Olaf Scholz

German (Original)

Wie heißt der jetzige Bundeskanzler / die jetzige Bundeskanzlerin von Deutschland?

12 / 33


When were the National Socialists in power in Germany? 

A) 1888 to 1918 

B) 1921 to 1934 

C) 1933 to 1945 

D) 1949 to 1963 

German (Original)

Wann waren die Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland an der Macht?

13 / 33


For how many years is the state parliament in Berlin elected? 

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

German (Original)

Für wie viele Jahre wird das Landesparlament in Berlin gewählt?

14 / 33


What is the general term for the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990? 

A) NATO Eastern Expansion 

B) EU Eastern Expansion 

C) German Reunification 

D) European Community 

German (Original)

Wie wird der Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahr 1990 allgemein genannt?

15 / 33


In Germany, the last four weeks before Christmas are called 

A) the Day of Repentance and Prayer 

B) Thanksgiving  

C) Advent season  

D) All Saints' Day 

German (Original)

In Deutschland nennt man die letzten vier Wochen vor Weihnachten …

16 / 33


What is the minimum percentage of second votes that parties must receive in order to be elected to the German Bundestag?

A) 3 %

B) 4 %

C) 5 %

D) 6 %

German (Original)

Wie viel Prozent der Zweitstimmen müssen Parteien mindestens bekommen, um in den Deutschen Bundestag gewählt zu werden?

17 / 33


From 1961 to 1989, Berlin was … 

A) without a mayor. 

B) its own state. 

C) divided by a wall. 

D) accessible only by airplane. 

German (Original)

Von 1961 bis 1989 war Berlin …

18 / 33


Who is usually elected as the President of the German Bundestag? 

A) The oldest member of parliament 

B) The prime minister of the largest federal state 

C) A former Federal Chancellor 

D) One MEP / one MEP from the strongest political group 

German (Original)

Wer wird meistens zum Präsidenten / zur Präsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages gewählt?

19 / 33


Which one is a district of Berlin? 

A) Altona

B) Prignitz

C) Pankow

D) Mecklenburgische Seenplatte

German (Original)

Welches ist ein Bezirk von Berlin?

20 / 33


How does the German state finance social security? 

A) Church taxes 

B) Social security contributions 

C) Donations 

D) Association contributions 

German (Original)

Womit finanziert der deutsche Staat die Sozialversicherung?

21 / 33


Which court is responsible for labor disputes in Germany? 

A) The family court 

B) The criminal court 

C) The labor court 

D) The local court 

German (Original)

Welches Gericht ist in Deutschland bei Konflikten in der Arbeitswelt zuständig?

22 / 33


What kind of honorary office must German citizens assume when they are asked to do so? 

A) Club trainer 

B) Election worker 

C) Library supervision 

D) Teacher 

German (Original)

Welches Ehrenamt müssen deutsche Staatsbürger / Staatsbürgerinnen übernehmen, wenn sie dazu aufgefordert werden?

23 / 33


Which of today's German federal states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Brandenburg

B) Bavaria 

C) Saarland

D) Hesse

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

24 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Finland 

B) Denmark 

C) Norway 

D) Sweden 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

25 / 33


What is a duty of election assistants in Germany? 

A) They assist elderly people with casting their votes in the voting booth. 

B) They write the election notifications before the election. 

C) They provide interim results to the media. 

D) They count the votes after the election ends. 

German (Original)

Was ist eine Aufgabe von Wahlhelfern / Wahlhelferinnen in Deutschland?

26 / 33


The Federal Republic of Germany is currently divided into … 

A) Four occupation zones 

B) An East state and a West state 

C) 16 cantons 

D) Federal states, Länder, and municipalities 

German (Original)

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist heute gegliedert in …

27 / 33


Which German city was divided into four sectors after the Second World War? 

A) Munich 

B) Berlin

C) Dresden

D) Frankfurt/Oder

German (Original)

Welche deutsche Stadt wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in vier Sektoren aufgeteilt?

28 / 33


If you hit a child in Germany, … 

A) It is nobody's business. 

B) It only concerns the family. 

C) You cannot be punished for it. 

D) You can be punished for it. 

German (Original)

Wenn man in Deutschland ein Kind schlägt, …

29 / 33


Who heads the German Federal Cabinet? 

A) the President of the Bundestag 

B) the President of the Federal Republic of Germany 

C) the President of the Federal Council 

D) the Federal Chancellor 

German (Original)

Wer leitet das deutsche Bundeskabinett?

30 / 33


A party wants to enter the German Bundestag. However, it must have a minimum share of voter votes. This means … 

A) 5% threshold. 

B) Admission limit. 

C) Base value. 

D) Guideline. 

German (Original)

Eine Partei möchte in den Deutschen Bundestag. Sie muss aber einen Mindestanteil an Wählerstimmen haben. Das heißt …

31 / 33


What does this picture show? 

A) The Bundestag seat in Berlin 

B) The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe 

C) The Bundesrat building in Berlin 

D) The Federal Chancellery in Berlin 

German (Original)

Was zeigt dieses Bild?


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32 / 33


What do you do if you receive an incorrect invoice from a German authority? 

A) I leave the invoice as it is.

B) I file an objection with the authority. 

C) I send the invoice back to the authority. 

D) I take the invoice to the tax office. 

German (Original)

Was tun Sie, wenn Sie eine falsche Rechnung von einer deutschen Behörde bekommen?

33 / 33


In Germany, state power is divided. Which state authority does a judge work for? For the ... 

A) Judiciary. 

B) Executive. 

C) Press. 

D) Legislative. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland wird die Staatsgewalt geteilt. Für welche Staatsgewalt arbeitet ein Richter / eine Richterin? Für die …

Your score is

Please note: The English translations provided in the German naturalization test for Berlin are intended to help you better understand the content. The official test will not include English questions or answers. The questions and answers on our site are obtained from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you want to take the Leben in Deutschland test for another state in Germany, please visit our states page.

More about the state of Berlin

Before diving into the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Berlin, let’s take a brief look at the state. Berlin is not only Germany’s capital but also its largest city, home to approximately 3.65 million people. It houses the federal government and parliament. Despite its vibrant service sector, Berlin has the highest unemployment rate due to its dense population.

Germany is known for its engineering prowess, and Berlin contributes to this with institutions like the “Berlin Technical University.” The city is also a hub for the arts, hosting numerous art schools and cultural institutions.

Berlin boasts a lively nightlife and a rich history that continues to attract tourists. The city is home to many historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Parliament Building, Museum Island, the Berlin Wall, and Checkpoint Charlie. The Kreuzberg district, often referred to as the Turkish Quarter, is known for its large Turkish community. Now, feel free to have a look at the citizenship test for Berlin.