Naturalization test for Berlin

If you are residing in the state of Berlin, you must complete the German naturalization test in Berlin (Einbürgerungstest), also known as Leben in Deutschland test, as part of the requirements for citizenship and some visa processes. The German and English questions and answers on are reflective of the actual exam and are customized for the state you select. The citizenship test for Berlin on our site is intended for practice purposes only. To take the official test, you will need to book an appointment at your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or a certified language school in Berlin.

For more detailed information about the German Citizenship Test, take a look at our guide at Naturalization test in Germany. And in case you plan to apply for naturalization in Berlin, the official web site will help you along the way.

Berlin citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Berlin.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


When the parliament of a German federal state is elected, it is called a … 

A) Local election 

B) State election 

C) European election 

D) Federal election 

German (Original)

Wenn das Parlament eines deutschen Bundeslandes gewählt wird, nennt man das …

2 / 33


Who is not allowed to live together as a couple in Germany? 

A) Hans (20 years) and Marie (19 years) 

B) Tom (20 years) and Klaus (45 years) 

C) Sofie (35 years) and Lisa (40 years) 

D) Anne (13 years) and Tim (25 years) 

German (Original)

Wer darf in Deutschland nicht als Paar zusammenleben?

3 / 33


In which locations does the European Parliament operate? 

A) Paris, London, and The Hague 

B) Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and Brussels 

C) Rome, Bern, and Vienna 

D) Bonn, Zurich, and Milan 

German (Original)

An welchen Orten arbeitet das Europäische Parlament?

4 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of Berlin? 

A) blue-white-red

B) white-red

C) green-white-red

D) black-gold

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Berlin?

5 / 33


With the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany, the new federal states now also belong to ... 

A) the European Union. 

B) to the Warsaw Pact. 

C) to OPEC. 

D) to the European Defence Community. 

German (Original)

Mit dem Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehören die neuen Bundesländer nun auch …

6 / 33


What is referred to as an "Ampelkoalition" in Germany? The cooperation … 

A) Between the Bundestag factions of CDU and CSU 

B) Between SPD, FDP, and Alliance 90/The Greens in a government 

C) Between CSU, The Left, and Alliance 90/The Greens in a government 

D) Between the Bundestag factions of CDU and SPD 

German (Original)

Was wird in Deutschland als „Ampelkoalition“ bezeichnet? Die Zusammenarbeit …

7 / 33


What is not stated in the German Basic Law? 

A) Human dignity is inviolable. 

B) Everyone should have the same amount of money. 

C) Everyone has the right to express their opinion. 

D) All are equal before the law. 

German (Original)

Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?

8 / 33


Germany is a member of the Schengen Agreement. What does this mean? 

A) Germans can travel to many European countries without passport control. 

B) Everyone can enter Germany without identity checks. 

C) Germans can travel to any country without passport control. 

D) Germans can pay with the Euro in every country. 

German (Original)

Deutschland ist Mitglied des Schengener Abkommens. Was bedeutet das?

9 / 33


At what age can you vote in local elections (election of the district assembly) in Berlin? 

A) 14

B) 16

C) 18

D) 20

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter darf man in Berlin bei Kommunalwahlen (Wahl der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung) wählen?

10 / 33


What is Germany called by its full name? 

A) Federal State of Germany 

B) Federal States of Germany 

C) Federal Republic of Germany 

D) Federal District of Germany 

German (Original)

Wie heißt Deutschland mit vollem Namen?

11 / 33


When did the GDR build the wall in Berlin? 

A) 1919

B) 1933

C) 1961

D) 1990

German (Original)

Wann baute die DDR die Mauer in Berlin?

12 / 33


The European Parliament is regularly elected, namely all ... 

A) 5 years. 

B) 6 years.

C) 7 years.

D) 8 years.

German (Original)

Das Europäische Parlament wird regelmäßig gewählt, nämlich alle …

13 / 33


Which fundamental right is guaranteed in Article 1 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) The inviolability of human dignity 

B) The right to life 

C) Religious freedom

D) Freedom of expression

German (Original)

Welches Grundrecht ist in Artikel 1 des Grundgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland garantiert?

14 / 33


What does the abbreviation CSU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian Secure Union 

B) Christian Southern German Union 

C) Christian social entrepreneur federation 

D) Christian Social Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CSU in Deutschland?

15 / 33


A woman in Germany loses her job. What cannot be the reason for her dismissal? 

A) The woman has been ill and unable to work for a long time. 

B) The woman frequently arrived late to work. 

C) The woman handles personal matters during working hours. 

D) The woman is having a child, and her boss is aware of it. 

German (Original)

Eine Frau in Deutschland verliert ihre Arbeit. Was darf nicht der Grund für diese Entlassung sein?

16 / 33


What do you call in Germany the unification of members of a party in parliament? 

A) Association 

B) Council of Elders

C) Parliamentary Group

D) Opposition

German (Original)

Wie nennt man in Deutschland die Vereinigung von Abgeordneten einer Partei im Parlament?

17 / 33


Which basic rights apply in Germany only to foreigners? The right to 

A) Protection of the family 

B) Human Dignity 

C) Asylum 

D) Freedom of expression 

German (Original)

Welches Grundrecht gilt in Deutschland nur für Ausländer/Ausländerinnen? Das Grundrecht auf

18 / 33


On what legal basis was the State of Israel founded? 

A) A resolution of the United Nations 

B) A decision of the Zionist Congress 

C) A proposal by the Federal Government 

D) A proposal by the USSR 

German (Original)

Auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage wurde der Staat Israel gegründet?

19 / 33


What is the name of the Jewish place of worship? 

A) Basilica 

B) Mosque 

C) Synagogue 

D) Church 

German (Original)

Wie heißt das jüdische Gebetshaus?

20 / 33


What is a Christmas tradition in Germany? 

A) Hiding colorful eggs 

B) Decorating a Christmas tree 

C) Dressing up in masks and costumes 

D) Placing pumpkins outside the door 

German (Original)

Was ist in Deutschland ein Brauch zu Weihnachten?

21 / 33


A lay judge in Germany is … 

A) The deputy of the mayor. 

B) A volunteer judge. 

C) A member of a municipal council. 

D) A person who has studied law. 

German (Original)

Ein Gerichtsschöffe / eine Gerichtsschöffin in Deutschland ist …

22 / 33


How were the occupation zones of Germany distributed after 1945? 

A) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=France, 4=USA 

B) 1=Soviet Union, 2=Great Britain, 3=USA, 4=France 

C) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=USA, 4=France 

D) 1=Great Britain, 2=USA, 3=Soviet Union, 4=France 

German (Original)

Wie waren die Besatzungszonen Deutschlands nach 1945 verteilt?

almanya 176

23 / 33


A young woman in Germany, 22 years old, lives with her boyfriend. The woman's parents do not approve because they do not like the boyfriend. What can the parents do? 

A) They must respect their adult daughter's decision. 

B) They have the right to bring their daughter back to their home. 

C) They can go to the police and report their daughter. 

D) They look for another man for their daughter. 

German (Original)

Eine junge Frau in Deutschland, 22 Jahre alt, lebt mit ihrem Freund zusammen. Die Eltern der Frau finden das nicht gut, weil ihnen der Freund nicht gefällt. Was können die Eltern tun?

24 / 33


From June 1948 to May 1949, the citizens of West Berlin were supplied via an airlift. What circumstance was responsible for this? 

A) For France, supplying the West Berlin population by airplane was more cost-effective. 

B) The American soldiers feared ambushes during land transport. 

C) For Great Britain, the airlift was a faster means of supply. 

D) The Soviet Union interrupted all land transportation routes. 

German (Original)

Vom Juni 1948 bis zum Mai 1949 wurden die Bürger und Bürgerinnen von West-Berlin durch eine Luftbrücke versorgt. Welcher Umstand war dafür verantwortlich?

25 / 33


Which office is part of municipal administration in Germany? 

A) Parish office 

B) Public order office 

C) Tax office 

D) Foreign Office 

German (Original)

Welches Amt gehört in Deutschland zur Gemeindeverwaltung?

26 / 33


What was the coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches war das Wappen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik?

almanya 209

27 / 33


By which treaties did the Federal Republic of Germany join with other states to form the European Economic Community? 

A) Through the Hamburg Treaties 

B) through the Treaties of Rome 

C) through the Paris Treaties 

D) through the London Treaties 

German (Original)

Durch welche Verträge schloss sich die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit anderen Staaten zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zusammen?

28 / 33


Which German city was divided into four sectors after the Second World War? 

A) Munich 

B) Berlin

C) Dresden

D) Frankfurt/Oder

German (Original)

Welche deutsche Stadt wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in vier Sektoren aufgeteilt?

29 / 33


In which occupation zone was the DDR (East Germany) founded? In the … 

A) American occupation zone. 

B) French occupation zone. 

C) British occupation zone. 

D) Soviet occupation zone. 

German (Original)

In welcher Besatzungszone wurde die DDR gegründet? In der …

30 / 33


At which festival do people in Germany wear colorful costumes and masks? 

A) on Rose Monday 

B) on May Day 

C) at the Oktoberfest 

D) at Whitsun 

German (Original)

Zu welchem Fest tragen Menschen in Deutschland bunte Kostüme und Masken?

31 / 33


A judge in Germany is a member of the ... 

A) Judiciary.

B) Executive. 

C) Operational. 

D) Legislative. 

German (Original)

Ein Richter / eine Richterin in Deutschland gehört zur …

32 / 33


Which coat of arms belongs to the federal state of Berlin? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Wappen gehört zum Bundesland Berlin?

almanya 321

33 / 33


From which country did most migrants come to Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Poland 

C) Morocco 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land sind die meisten Migranten / Migrantinnen nach Deutschland gekommen?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations provided in the German naturalization test for Berlin are intended to help you better understand the content. The official test will not include English questions or answers. The questions and answers on our site are obtained from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you want to take the Leben in Deutschland test for another state in Germany, please visit our states page.

More about the state of Berlin

Before diving into the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Berlin, let’s take a brief look at the state. Berlin is not only Germany’s capital but also its largest city, home to approximately 3.65 million people. It houses the federal government and parliament. Despite its vibrant service sector, Berlin has the highest unemployment rate due to its dense population.

Germany is known for its engineering prowess, and Berlin contributes to this with institutions like the “Berlin Technical University.” The city is also a hub for the arts, hosting numerous art schools and cultural institutions.

Berlin boasts a lively nightlife and a rich history that continues to attract tourists. The city is home to many historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Parliament Building, Museum Island, the Berlin Wall, and Checkpoint Charlie. The Kreuzberg district, often referred to as the Turkish Quarter, is known for its large Turkish community. Now, feel free to have a look at the citizenship test for Berlin.