Naturalization test for Hamburg

It is time to complete the German naturalization test for Hamburg, in case you want to go further with German citizenship and certain visa processes. The English and German questions and answers you see on our website,, are automatically selected based on your chosen state and are similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam. The citizenship test for Hamburg on our site is intended solely for practice. To take the official test, you must schedule an appointment with the VHS (Volkshochschule) in your Hamburg or with private institutions that offer German courses.

If you would like to learn more about the German Citizenship Test (Einbürgerungstest), or the Life in Germany Test (Leben in Deutschland), feel free to check out our article titled Naturalization test in Germany. In case you want to begin your naturalization process in Hamburg, the official web site would be a good starting point.

Hamburg citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Hamburg.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


When was the Wall in Berlin opened for all to see? 

A) 1987

B) 1989

C) 1992

D) 1995

German (Original)

Wann wurde die Mauer in Berlin für alle geöffnet?

2 / 33


When was the "economic miracle" in the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) 40's 

B) 50's 

C) 70's 

D) 80's 

German (Original)

Wann war in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland das „Wirtschaftswunder“?

3 / 33


Why is the period in the autumn of 1989 in the GDR called "The Turn"? During this time, the GDR changed politically … 

A) from a dictatorship to a democracy. 

B) from a liberal market economy to socialism. 

C) from a monarchy to social democracy. 

D) from a religious state to a communist state. 

German (Original)

Warum nennt man die Zeit im Herbst 1989 in der DDR „Die Wende“? In dieser Zeit veränderte sich die DDR politisch …

4 / 33


What do you call proceedings before a court in Germany? 

A) Program

B) Procedure 

C) Protocol 

D) Process 

German (Original)

Wie nennt man in Deutschland ein Verfahren vor einem Gericht?

5 / 33


Which right is guaranteed as a fundamental right under the German constitution? The right to 

A) Freedom of belief and conscience 

B) Entertainment 

C) Work 

D) Housing 

German (Original)

Welches Recht gehört zu den Grundrechten, die nach der deutschen Verfassung garantiert werden? Das Recht auf

6 / 33


What is allowed by the Jugendamt in Germany? 

A) It decides which school the child attends. 

B) It can take a child who is being abused or is starving away from the family. 

C) It pays child benefits to the parents. 

D) It monitors whether the child attends kindergarten. 

German (Original)

Was darf das Jugendamt in Deutschland?

7 / 33


Who elects the members of the Bundestag in Germany? 

A) The military 

B) The economy 

C) The eligible voters 

D) The administration

German (Original)

Wer wählt in Deutschland die Abgeordneten zum Bundestag?

8 / 33


Germany is ... 

A) a socialist state.

B) a federal state. 

C) a dictatorship. 

D) a monarchy. 

German (Original)

German Deutschland ist …

9 / 33


When does a court case occur in Germany? When someone … 

A) Converts to a different religion. 

B) Commits a crime and is charged. 

C) Holds a different opinion from that of the government. 

D) Parks their car incorrectly and it is towed. 

German (Original)

Wann kommt es in Deutschland zu einem Prozess vor Gericht? Wenn jemand …

10 / 33


Which federal state is a city-state? 

A) Hamburg

B) Saxony

C) Bavaria

D) Thuringia

German (Original)

Welches Bundesland ist ein Stadtstaat?

11 / 33


The BIZ Career Information Center at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany helps with ... 

A) Pension calculation. 

B) Apprenticeship search. 

C) Tax return. 

D) Health insurance. 

German (Original)

Das Berufsinformationszentrum BIZ bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Deutschland hilft bei der …

12 / 33


What is primarily a responsibility of the federal states in Germany? 

A) Defense policy 

B) Foreign policy 

C) Economic policy 

D) Education policy 

German (Original)

Was ist in Deutschland vor allem eine Aufgabe der Bundesländer?

13 / 33


On what legal basis was the State of Israel founded? 

A) A resolution of the United Nations 

B) A decision of the Zionist Congress 

C) A proposal by the Federal Government 

D) A proposal by the USSR 

German (Original)

Auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage wurde der Staat Israel gegründet?

14 / 33


What does the principle of equal treatment mean in Germany? 

A) No one may be disadvantaged, for example, due to a disability. 

B) One may disadvantage others if there are sufficient personal reasons for doing so. 

C) No one may file a lawsuit against others if they have been disadvantaged. 

D) It is a law for everyone to donate money annually to disadvantaged groups. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet in Deutschland der Grundsatz der Gleichbehandlung?

15 / 33


What characterized the Nazi state? A policy … 

A) of state racism 

B) of freedom of speech 

C) of general religious freedom 

D) of the development of democracy 

German (Original)

Was kennzeichnete den NS-Staat? Eine Politik …

16 / 33


How were the occupation zones of Germany distributed after 1945? 

A) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=France, 4=USA 

B) 1=Soviet Union, 2=Great Britain, 3=USA, 4=France 

C) 1=Great Britain, 2=Soviet Union, 3=USA, 4=France 

D) 1=Great Britain, 2=USA, 3=Soviet Union, 4=France 

German (Original)

Wie waren die Besatzungszonen Deutschlands nach 1945 verteilt?

almanya 176

17 / 33


From what age are you of legal age in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 19

D) 21

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter ist man in Deutschland volljährig?

18 / 33


Which federal state is Hamburg? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Bundesland ist Hamburg?

almanya 358

19 / 33


From which country did the first guest workers come to the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Spain 

C) Portugal 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land kamen die ersten Gastarbeiter / Gastarbeiterinnen in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

20 / 33


Germany is a member of the Schengen Agreement. What does this mean? 

A) Germans can travel to many European countries without passport control. 

B) Everyone can enter Germany without identity checks. 

C) Germans can travel to any country without passport control. 

D) Germans can pay with the Euro in every country. 

German (Original)

Deutschland ist Mitglied des Schengener Abkommens. Was bedeutet das?

21 / 33


What happened on November 9, 1938, in Germany? 

A) With the attack on Poland, World War II begins. 

B) The National Socialists lose an election and dissolve the Reichstag. 

C) Jewish businesses and synagogues are destroyed by National Socialists and their supporters. 

D) Hitler becomes Reich President and bans all political parties. 

German (Original)

Was passierte am 9. November 1938 in Deutschland?

22 / 33


Which of the following is compatible with the German Basic Law? 

A) Corporal punishment 

B) Torture 

C) Death penalty 

D) Fines 

German (Original)

Was ist mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz vereinbar?

23 / 33


In which occupation zone was the DDR (East Germany) founded? In the … 

A) American occupation zone. 

B) French occupation zone. 

C) British occupation zone. 

D) Soviet occupation zone. 

German (Original)

In welcher Besatzungszone wurde die DDR gegründet? In der …

24 / 33


After the Second World War, which countries were referred to in Germany as "Allied Occupation Forces"? 

A) Soviet Union, Great Britain, Poland, Sweden 

B) France, Soviet Union, Italy, Japan 

C) USA, Soviet Union, Spain, Portugal 

D) USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France 

German (Original)

Welche Länder wurden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland als „Alliierte Besatzungsmächte“ bezeichnet?

25 / 33


Where is the seat of the European Parliament? 

A) London 

B) Paris

C) Berlin

D) Strasbourg 

German (Original)

Wo ist der Sitz des Europäischen Parlaments?

26 / 33


Since when do you pay in cash with the Euro in Germany? 

A) 1995

B) 1998

C) 2002

D) 2005

German (Original)

Seit wann bezahlt man in Deutschland mit dem Euro in bar?

27 / 33


French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl commemorate the dead of both World Wars together in Verdun. What goal of the European Union becomes clear during this meeting? 

A) Friendship between England and Germany 

B) Freedom to travel to all EU countries 

C) Peace and security in the EU countries 

D) Uniform holidays in the EU countries 

German (Original)

Der französische Staatspräsident François Mitterrand und der deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl gedenken in Verdun gemeinsam der Toten beider Weltkriege. Welches Ziel der Europäischen Union wird bei diesem Treffen deutlich?

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28 / 33


Members of parliament who are elected by citizens are called … 

A) Representatives.

B) Chancellors. 

C) Ambassadors. 

D) Prime Ministers. 

German (Original)

Parlamentsmitglieder, die von den Bürgern und Bürgerinnen gewählt werden, nennt man …

29 / 33


What does "popular sovereignty" mean? 

A) The king/queen rules over the people. 

B) The Federal Constitutional Court is above the constitution. 

C) Interest groups exercise sovereignty together with the government. 

D) State authority emanates from the people. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „Volkssouveränität“?

30 / 33


What was not present in Germany during the time of National Socialism? 

A) Free elections 

B) Press censorship 

C) Arbitrary arrests 

D) Persecution of Jews 

German (Original)

Was gab es in Deutschland nicht während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus?

31 / 33


At what age can you vote in local elections (election of district assemblies) in Hamburg? 

A) 14

B) 16

C) 18

D) 20

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter darf man in Hamburg bei Kommunalwahlen (Wahl der Bezirksversammlungen) wählen?

32 / 33


Mrs. Seger is expecting a child. What must she do to receive parental leave benefits? 

A) She must write to her health insurance provider. 

B) She must submit an application to the parental leave benefits office. 

C) She does not need to do anything, as she will automatically receive parental leave benefits. 

D) She must request permission from the employment office. 

German (Original)

Frau Seger bekommt ein Kind. Was muss sie tun, um Elterngeld zu erhalten?

33 / 33


What is the name of the German constitution? 

A) People's Law 

B) Federal Law 

C) German Law 

D) Basic Law 

German (Original)

Wie heisst die deutsche Verfassung?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the Germany Citizenship Test for Hamburg are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include any questions or answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site for the Germany Citizenship Test have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Life in Germany Test for a different state in Germany, please return to our states page.

More about the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Before reviewing the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Hamburg, let’s briefly get to know the state. Like Berlin, Hamburg is a city-state located near the banks of the Elbe River. Known as the Free and Hanseatic City, this metropolis covers an area of 750 square kilometers and has a population of 1.8 million, making it the second-largest city in Germany. Hamburg is renowned for its ports; the largest German ports are located here, making it a key hub for exporting goods to Germany and other countries. It has particularly strong trade relations with China. The Port of Hamburg is the second-largest in Europe and the ninth-largest in the world.

In the aerospace industry, Hamburg ranks third globally. It is one of the sites where the Airbus A320 is manufactured. The development of the aerospace industry creates a high demand for labor and offers one of the highest minimum wages in the country. As a result, the unemployment rate in Hamburg is low, with the average annual salary being approximately 51,000 euros.

Hamburg is also home to one of the most impressive concert halls in the world, the Elbphilharmonie. Additionally, the city-state is home to Germany’s tallest church tower with a clock, St. Michaelis Church, which has a diameter of 8 meters. Now, it is the time for citizenship for