Naturalization test for Lower Saxony

You must complete the Germany naturalization test for Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), also known as Leben in Deutschland (or Einbürgerungstest für Niedersachsen),  for German citizenship and certain visa processes. Besides those in English, the German questions and answers you see on our website,, are automatically selected based on your chosen state and are similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam. The citizenship test for Lower Saxony on our site is intended solely for practice. To take the official test, you must schedule an appointment with the local VHS (Volkshochschule) in Lower Saxony or with private institutions that offer German courses.

If you would like to learn more about the German Citizenship Test Lower Saxony (Einbürgerungstest), or the Life in Germany Test (Leben in Deutschland), feel free to check out our article titled Naturalization test in Germany. If you want to proceed with naturalization test in Lower Saxony, check out the official web site here

Lower Saxony citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Lower Saxony.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


Which of today's German states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Thüringen

B) Hesse

C) Bavaria 

D) Bremen

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

2 / 33


Which is a district in Lower Saxony? 

A) Ammerland

B) Rhein-Sieg-Kreis

C) Nordfriesland

D) Vogtlandkreis

German (Original)

Welches ist ein Landkreis in Niedersachsen?

3 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Hungary 

B) Portugal 

C) Spain 

D) Switzerland 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

4 / 33


In what period was the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in existence? 

A) 1919 to 1927 

B) 1933 to 1945 

C) 1945 to 1961 

D) 1949 to 1990 

German (Original)

In welchem Zeitraum gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)?

5 / 33


What does the abbreviation CDU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian German Union 

B) Club of German Entrepreneurs 

C) Christian German Environmental Protection 

D) Christian Democratic Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CDU in Deutschland?

6 / 33


In Germany, who do trade unions represent?

A) Large businesses

B) Small businesses

C) Self-employed individuals

D) Workers

German (Original)

Wen vertreten die Gewerkschaften in Deutschland?

7 / 33


In Germany, you have the best chance of securing a well-paid job if you … 

A) Are Catholic. 

B) Are well-educated. 

C) Are a woman. 

D) Are a member of a political party. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland hat man die besten Chancen auf einen gut bezahlten Arbeitsplatz, wenn man …

8 / 33


What is not state power in Germany? 

A) Legislature 

B) Judiciary 

C) Executive 

D) Directive 

German (Original)

Was ist keine staatliche Gewalt in Deutschland?

9 / 33


What happened on May 8, 1945? 

A) Death of Adolf Hitler 

B) Beginning of the Berlin Wall construction 

C) Election of Konrad Adenauer as Federal Chancellor 

D) End of World War II in Europe 

German (Original)

Was war am 8. Mai 1945?

10 / 33


Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg became known for … 

A) a gold medal at the 1936 Olympic Games. 

B) the construction of the Reichstag building. 

C) the buildup of the Wehrmacht. 

D) the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944. 

German (Original)

Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg wurde bekannt durch …

11 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of Lower Saxony? 

A) White and blue

B) Black-red-gold

C) Black-yellow

D) Blue-white-red

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Niedersachsen?

12 / 33


What is not stated in the German Basic Law? 

A) Human dignity is inviolable. 

B) Everyone should have the same amount of money. 

C) Everyone has the right to express their opinion. 

D) All are equal before the law. 

German (Original)

Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?

13 / 33


What do you call in Germany the unification of members of a party in parliament? 

A) Association 

B) Council of Elders

C) Parliamentary Group

D) Opposition

German (Original)

Wie nennt man in Deutschland die Vereinigung von Abgeordneten einer Partei im Parlament?

14 / 33


Who determines education policy in Germany? 

A) The teachers 

B) The federal states 

C) The Ministry of Family Affairs 

D) The universities 

German (Original)

Wer bestimmt in Deutschland die Schulpolitik?

15 / 33


What is the work of a judge in Germany? 

A) Govern Germany 

B) Administer justice 

C) Make plans 

D) Enact laws 

German (Original)

Was ist die Arbeit eines Richters / einer Richterin in Deutschland?

16 / 33


What did Willy Brandt want to express with his kneeling in 1970 at the former Jewish ghetto in Warsaw? 

A) He submitted to the former Allies. 

B) He asked for forgiveness from Poland and the Polish Jews. 

C) He showed his humility before the Warsaw Pact. 

D) He said a prayer at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

German (Original)

Was wollte Willy Brandt mit seinem Kniefall 1970 im ehemaligen jüdischen Ghetto in Warschau ausdrücken?

almanya 181

17 / 33


Members of parliament who are elected by citizens are called … 

A) Representatives.

B) Chancellors. 

C) Ambassadors. 

D) Prime Ministers. 

German (Original)

Parlamentsmitglieder, die von den Bürgern und Bürgerinnen gewählt werden, nennt man …

18 / 33


What form of government does Germany have? 

A) Monarchy

B) Dictatorship

C) Republic

D) Principality

German (Original)

Was für eine Staatsform hat Deutschland?

19 / 33


The education of children in Germany is above all a task ... 

A) of the state. 

B) of the parents. 

C) the grandparents. 

D) of the schools. 

German (Original)

Die Erziehung der Kinder ist in Deutschland vor allem Aufgabe …

20 / 33


In Germany, a change in government in a federal state can impact federal politics. Governing becomes … 

A) More difficult if it changes the majority in the Bundestag. 

B) Easier if it brings new parties into the Bundesrat. 

C) More difficult if it alters the majority in the Bundesrat. 

D) Easier if it involves a wealthy federal state. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland kann ein Regierungswechsel in einem Bundesland Auswirkungen auf die Bundespolitik haben. Das Regieren wird …

21 / 33


Who is called the "Chancellor of German Unity"? 

A) Gerhard Schröder

B) Helmut Kohl

C) Konrad Adenauer

D) Helmut Schmidt

German (Original)

Wer wird als „Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit“ bezeichnet?

22 / 33


Which cities have the largest Jewish communities in Germany? 

A) Berlin and Munich 

B) Hamburg and Essen 

C) Nuremberg and Stuttgart 

D) Worms and Speyer 

German (Original)

Welche Städte haben die größten jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland?

23 / 33


The people elect in Germany ... 

A) the Federal Chancellor. 

B) the Prime Minister of a federal state. 

C) the Bundestag. 

D) the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

German (Original)

Vom Volk gewählt wird in Deutschland …

24 / 33


What does "active voting right" mean in Germany? 

A) You can be elected. 

B) You must go to vote. 

C) You can vote. 

D) You must go to the vote count. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „aktives Wahlrecht“ in Deutschland?

25 / 33


The BIZ Career Information Center at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany helps with ... 

A) Pension calculation. 

B) Apprenticeship search. 

C) Tax return. 

D) Health insurance. 

German (Original)

Das Berufsinformationszentrum BIZ bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Deutschland hilft bei der …

26 / 33


What do you do if you receive an incorrect invoice from a German authority? 

A) I leave the invoice as it is.

B) I file an objection with the authority. 

C) I send the invoice back to the authority. 

D) I take the invoice to the tax office. 

German (Original)

Was tun Sie, wenn Sie eine falsche Rechnung von einer deutschen Behörde bekommen?

27 / 33


The electoral system in Germany is a … 

A) Census voting system. 

B) Three-class voting system. 

C) Majority and proportional representation system. 

D) General male voting right. 

German (Original)

Das Wahlsystem in Deutschland ist ein …

28 / 33


The parliamentary opposition in the German Bundestag … 

A) Monitors the government. 

B) Decides who becomes federal minister. 

C) Determines who sits in the Bundesrat. 

D) Proposes the heads of government of the states. 

German (Original)

Die parlamentarische Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag …

29 / 33


At what age are you allowed to participate in the election to the German Bundestag in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 21

D) 23

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter darf man in Deutschland an der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag teilnehmen?

30 / 33


For how many years is the state parliament in Lower Saxony elected? 

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

German (Original)

Für wie viele Jahre wird der Landtag in Niedersachsen gewählt?

31 / 33


Who is usually elected as the President of the German Bundestag? 

A) The oldest member of parliament 

B) The prime minister of the largest federal state 

C) A former Federal Chancellor 

D) One MEP / one MEP from the strongest political group 

German (Original)

Wer wird meistens zum Präsidenten / zur Präsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages gewählt?

32 / 33


When was the Wall in Berlin opened for all to see? 

A) 1987

B) 1989

C) 1992

D) 1995

German (Original)

Wann wurde die Mauer in Berlin für alle geöffnet?

33 / 33


What does "rule of law" mean in Germany? 

A) The state is always right. 

B) There are only right-wing parties. 

C) The citizens decide on the laws. 

D) The state must adhere to the laws. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „Rechtsstaat“ in Deutschland?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the Germany naturalization test for Lower Saxony (Einbürgerungstest für Niedersachsen) are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include any questions or answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site for the Germany Citizenship Test have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Life in Germany Test for a different state in Germany, please return to our main page.

More about the state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)

Before reviewing the questions and answers for the Germany naturalization test for Lower Saxony, let’s briefly get to know the state. Lower Saxony is a state located in the northwestern region of Germany with its capital in Hanover. It borders the Netherlands and surrounds the city-state of Bremen. Other important cities in the state include Wolfsburg, Salzgitter, Celle, Göttingen, and Osnabrück. Lower Saxony covers an area of 46,000 square kilometers and has a population of 8 million, making it the second-largest state in Germany by land area.

Lower Saxony is known for its natural landscapes and is prominent in the agriculture and automotive sectors. A significant portion of its land is used for agriculture, producing essential food items like potatoes. The most commonly farmed crop is cabbage, which is widely consumed in traditional winter dishes. Compared to other states, Lower Saxony ranks first in the use of wind energy, aligning with Germany’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

The state has fewer historical museums and monuments due to the extensive damage sustained during World War II, which left little behind. One of the most interesting facts about Lower Saxony is that the “Suurhusen” church in the state is even more tilted than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. So now, good luck with citizenship test Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)!