Naturalization test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

If you reside in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, you must complete the Germany naturalization test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Einbürgerungstest), which is required for German citizenship and certain visa processes. The German questions and answers and corresponding English translation you see on our website,, are automatically selected based on your chosen state and are similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam. The citizenship test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on our site is intended solely for practice. To take the official test, you must schedule an appointment with the VHS (Volkshochschule) or with private institutions that offer German courses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

If you would like to learn more about the German Citizenship Test, or the Life in Germany Test (Leben in Deutschland), feel free to check out our article titled Naturalization test in Germany. If you want to take the citizenship test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or apply for citizenship, please have a look at the official web site here.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


Which animal is the national emblem of the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Lion

B) Eagle

C) Bear

D) Horse

German (Original)

Welches Tier ist das Wappentier der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

2 / 33


What form of government does Germany have? 

A) Monarchy

B) Dictatorship

C) Republic

D) Principality

German (Original)

Was für eine Staatsform hat Deutschland?

3 / 33


By which treaties did the Federal Republic of Germany join with other states to form the European Economic Community? 

A) Through the Hamburg Treaties 

B) through the Treaties of Rome 

C) through the Paris Treaties 

D) through the London Treaties 

German (Original)

Durch welche Verträge schloss sich die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit anderen Staaten zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zusammen?

4 / 33


What is the flag of the European Union? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welche ist die Flagge der Europäischen Union?

almanya 226

5 / 33


What is the title of the head of government in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? 

A) First Minister / First Minister

B) Prime Minister / Prime Minister

C) Mayor / Mayor

D) Minister-President / Minister-President

German (Original)

Wie nennt man den Regierungschef / die Regierungschefin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?

6 / 33


Where can you get information about political topics in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? 

A) at the State Agency for Civic Education

B) at the churches

C) at the municipal regulatory office

D) at the consumer advice center 

German (Original)

Wo können Sie sich in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern über politische Themen informieren?

7 / 33


A democratic state governed by the rule of law does not include that … 

A) People can express criticism of the government. 

B) Citizens are allowed to demonstrate peacefully. 

C) People are arrested by a private police force without reason. 

D) Someone commits a crime and is therefore arrested. 

German (Original)

Zu einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat gehört es nicht, dass …

8 / 33


Who constitutes the German Bundesrat? 

A) The members of the Bundestag 

B) The ministers of the federal government 

C) The government representatives of the federal states 

D) The party members 

German (Original)

Wer bildet den deutschen Bundesrat?

9 / 33


Which is not a federal state of the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Alsace-Lorraine 

B) North Rhine-Westphalia 

C) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 

D) Saxony-Anhalt 

German (Original)

Was ist kein Bundesland der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

10 / 33


Since when do you pay in cash with the Euro in Germany? 

A) 1995

B) 1998

C) 2002

D) 2005

German (Original)

Seit wann bezahlt man in Deutschland mit dem Euro in bar?

11 / 33


What does the abbreviation FDP mean in Germany? 

A) Peaceful Demonstrative Party 

B) Free Germany Party 

C) Leading Democratic Party 

D) Free Democratic Party 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung FDP in Deutschland?

12 / 33


German laws prohibit... 

A) Freedom of expression for residents. 

B) Petitions by citizens. 

C) Freedom of assembly for residents. 

D) Discrimination of citizens by the state. 

German (Original)

Die deutschen Gesetze verbieten …

13 / 33


What does the abbreviation SPD mean? 

A) Socialist Party of Germany 

B) Social political party of Germany 

C) Social Democratic Party of Germany 

D) Social Justice Party of Germany 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung SPD?

14 / 33


Which of the following is not part of the statutory social insurance? 

A) Life insurance 

B) Statutory pension insurance 

C) Unemployment insurance 

D) Long-term care insurance 

German (Original)

Was gehört nicht zur gesetzlichen Sozialversicherung?

15 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Hungary 

B) Portugal 

C) Spain 

D) Switzerland 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

16 / 33


Which of the following is compatible with the German Basic Law? 

A) Corporal punishment 

B) Torture 

C) Death penalty 

D) Fines 

German (Original)

Was ist mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz vereinbar?

17 / 33


What symbol is to be seen in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag? 

A) the federal eagle. 

B) the flag of the city of Berlin. 

C) the imperial eagle. 

D) the imperial crown. 

German (Original)

Welches Symbol ist im Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages zu sehen?

almanya 216

18 / 33


Which insurance does the long-term care insurance belong to? 

A) Social insurance 

B) Accident insurance 

C) Household insurance 

D) Liability and fire insurance 

German (Original)

Zu welcher Versicherung gehört die Pflegeversicherung?

19 / 33


In what period was the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in existence? 

A) 1919 to 1927 

B) 1933 to 1945 

C) 1945 to 1961 

D) 1949 to 1990 

German (Original)

In welchem Zeitraum gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)?

20 / 33


Which ballot paper would be valid in a Bundestag election? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welcher Stimmzettel wäre bei einer Bundestagswahl gültig?

almanya 130

21 / 33


What happened on November 9, 1938, in Germany? 

A) With the attack on Poland, World War II begins. 

B) The National Socialists lose an election and dissolve the Reichstag. 

C) Jewish businesses and synagogues are destroyed by National Socialists and their supporters. 

D) Hitler becomes Reich President and bans all political parties. 

German (Original)

Was passierte am 9. November 1938 in Deutschland?

22 / 33


Who decides on a new law in Germany? 

A) the government 

B) the parliament 

C) the court 

D) the police 

German (Original)

Wer beschließt in Deutschland ein neues Gesetz?

23 / 33


What is an example of antisemitic behavior? 

A) Attending a Jewish festival 

B) Criticizing the Israeli government 

C) Denying the Holocaust 

D) Playing football against Jews 

German (Original)

Was ist ein Beispiel für antisemitisches Verhalten?

24 / 33


German Federal President Gustav Heinemann is giving Helmut Schmidt the appointment certificate as German Chancellor in 1974. What is one of the duties of the German Federal President? 

A) He/She conducts government affairs. 

B) He/She monitors the ruling party. 

C) He/She selects the ministers. 

D) He/She proposes the Chancellor for election. 

German (Original)

Der deutsche Bundespräsident Gustav Heinemann gibt Helmut Schmidt 1974 die Ernennungsurkunde zum deutschen Bundeskanzler. Was gehört zu den Aufgaben des deutschen Bundespräsidenten / der deutschen Bundespräsidentin?

almanya 070

25 / 33


Which war lasted from 1939 to 1945? 

A) the First World War 

B) the Second World War 

C) the Vietnam War 

D) the Gulf War 

German (Original)

Welcher Krieg dauerte von 1939 bis 1945?

26 / 33


Which office is part of municipal administration in Germany? 

A) Parish office 

B) Public order office 

C) Tax office 

D) Foreign Office 

German (Original)

Welches Amt gehört in Deutschland zur Gemeindeverwaltung?

27 / 33


A couple wants to open a restaurant in Germany. What do they absolutely need for this? 

A) A permit from the police 

B) An authorization from a party

C) A permit from the local registration office 

D) A restaurant license from the relevant authority 

German (Original)

Ein Ehepaar möchte in Deutschland ein Restaurant eröffnen. Was braucht es dazu unbedingt?

28 / 33


When does the statutory night's rest begin in Germany? 

A) when the sun goes down 

B) when the neighbors go to sleep 

C) at 0 o'clock, midnight 

D) at 10 pm 

German (Original)

Wann beginnt die gesetzliche Nachtruhe in Deutschland?

29 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? 

A) black-red-gold

B) blue-white-yellow-red

C) green-white-red

D) black-yellow

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?

30 / 33


At which demonstrations in Germany did people chant "We are the people"? 

A) During the workers' uprising in 1953 in the DDR 

B) During the demonstrations in 1968 in the Federal Republic of Germany 

C) During the anti-nuclear power demonstrations in 1985 in the Federal Republic of Germany 

D) During the Monday demonstrations in 1989 in the DDR 

German (Original)

Bei welchen Demonstrationen in Deutschland riefen die Menschen „Wir sind das Volk“?

31 / 33


How can someone who denies the Holocaust be punished? 

A) Reduction of social benefits 

B) Up to 100 hours of community service 

C) Not at all; Holocaust denial is allowed 

D) Imprisonment of up to five years or a fine 

German (Original)

Wie kann jemand, der den Holocaust leugnet, bestraft werden?

32 / 33


In Germany, a mayor is … 

A) the head of a school. 

B) the chief of a bank. 

C) the head of a municipality. 

D) the chairperson of a party. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland ist ein Bürgermeister / eine Bürgermeisterin …

33 / 33


When was the GDR founded? 

A) 1947

B) 1949

C) 1953

D) 1956

German (Original)

Wann wurde die DDR gegründet?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the German naturalization test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include any questions or answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site for the Einbürgerungstest für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Life in Germany Test for a different state in Germany, please go back to our states page.

More about the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Before reviewing the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, let’s briefly get to know the state. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is located in the northeastern region of Germany and is one of the country’s most beautiful natural states. It has been sparsely populated to preserve its natural environment. The state has a population of 1.6 million and covers an area of 23,000 square kilometers. It is situated near the Baltic Sea, with its capital in Schwerin.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, formerly part of East Germany, became part of the new Federal Republic of Germany after the reunification of the two Germanys. The most popular tourist destination in the state is Rügen, and the largest island, Usedom, is also located here. Due to the abundance of such tourist spots, the state sees a high number of visitors. To preserve its natural balance, many nature reserves have been established in the state.

The untouched nature of the state includes over 2,000 lakes and extensive forests. It is home to the most natural national parks in Germany. In addition to its natural areas, it also has vast agricultural lands. The state’s economy is sustained through shipbuilding, tourism, and agriculture. It is also notable as the birthplace of Angela Merkel. Within its borders, you will also find the largest water sports areas in Central Europe. Let’s get into citizenship test for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.