Naturalization test for North Rhine-Westphalia

If you reside in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, you must complete the Germany Naturalization Test for North Rhein-Westphalia, also known as Einbürgerungstest, which is required for obtaining German naturalization and certain visa processes. The English and German questions and answers you see on our website,, are automatically selected based on your chosen state and are similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam. The naturalization test for North Rhine-Westphalia on our site is intended solely for practice. To take the official test, you must schedule an appointment with the VHS (Volkshochschule) in NRW or with private institutions that offer German courses.

If you would like to learn more about the Germany Naturalization Test (Einbürgerungstest), feel free to check out our article titled Naturalization test in Germany. If you want to get NRW specific information regarding citizenship, then check out the official web site here.

North Rhine-Westphalia citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


What does "popular sovereignty" mean? 

A) The king/queen rules over the people. 

B) The Federal Constitutional Court is above the constitution. 

C) Interest groups exercise sovereignty together with the government. 

D) State authority emanates from the people. 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet „Volkssouveränität“?

2 / 33


A couple wants to open a restaurant in Germany. What do they absolutely need for this? 

A) A permit from the police 

B) An authorization from a party

C) A permit from the local registration office 

D) A restaurant license from the relevant authority 

German (Original)

Ein Ehepaar möchte in Deutschland ein Restaurant eröffnen. Was braucht es dazu unbedingt?

3 / 33


Which of the following is compatible with the German Basic Law? 

A) Corporal punishment 

B) Torture 

C) Death penalty 

D) Fines 

German (Original)

Was ist mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz vereinbar?

4 / 33


The German state has many responsibilities. Which of these is one of them? 

A) It builds roads and schools. 

B) It sells food and clothing. 

C) It provides all residents with free newspapers. 

D) It produces cars and buses. 

German (Original)

Der deutsche Staat hat viele Aufgaben. Welche Aufgabe gehört dazu?

5 / 33


Which is a district in North Rhine-Westphalia? 

A) Ammerland

B) Rhein-Sieg-Kreis

C) Nordfriesland

D) Vogtlandkreis

German (Original)

Welches ist ein Landkreis in Nordrhein-Westfalen?

6 / 33


Who elects the German Federal Chancellor? 

A) The people 

B) The Federal Assembly 

C) The Bundestag 

D) The federal government 

German (Original)

Wer wählt den deutschen Bundeskanzler / die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin?

7 / 33


Who is eligible to become a member of the approximately 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs? 

A) Only Germans 

B) Only Israelis 

C) Only religious individuals 

D) All people 

German (Original)

Wer darf bei den rund 40 jüdischen Makkabi-Sportvereinen Mitglied werden?

8 / 33


The people elect in Germany ... 

A) the Federal Chancellor. 

B) the Prime Minister of a federal state. 

C) the Bundestag. 

D) the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

German (Original)

Vom Volk gewählt wird in Deutschland …

9 / 33


What are the colors of the state flag of North Rhine-Westphalia? 

A) red-white

B) green-white-red

C) black-gold

D) blue-white-red

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Nordrhein-Westfalen?

10 / 33


What do eligible voters in Germany receive before an election? 

A) A voter notification from the municipality 

B) An election permit from the Federal President 

C) A notification from the Federal Assembly 

D) A notification from the parish office 

German (Original)

Was bekommen wahlberechtigte Bürger und Bürgerinnen in Deutschland vor einer Wahl?

11 / 33


Foreign workers who were recruited by the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1950s and 1960s were called 

A) Undocumented workers 

B) Guest workers 

C) Temporary workers 

D) Shift workers 

German (Original)

Ausländische Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmerinnen, die in den 50er und 60er Jahren von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angeworben wurden, nannte man …

12 / 33


In which locations does the European Parliament operate? 

A) Paris, London, and The Hague 

B) Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and Brussels 

C) Rome, Bern, and Vienna 

D) Bonn, Zurich, and Milan 

German (Original)

An welchen Orten arbeitet das Europäische Parlament?

13 / 33


Who did the GDR belong to during the "Cold War"? 

A) to the Western powers 

B) on the Warsaw Pact 

C) to NATO 

D) on the non-aligned states 

German (Original)

Zu wem gehörte die DDR im „Kalten Krieg“?

14 / 33


In Germany, state power is divided. Which state authority does a judge work for? For the ... 

A) Judiciary. 

B) Executive. 

C) Press. 

D) Legislative. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland wird die Staatsgewalt geteilt. Für welche Staatsgewalt arbeitet ein Richter / eine Richterin? Für die …

15 / 33


What does the abbreviation CDU mean in Germany? 

A) Christian German Union 

B) Club of German Entrepreneurs 

C) Christian German Environmental Protection 

D) Christian Democratic Union 

German (Original)

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CDU in Deutschland?

16 / 33


Which of today's German federal states used to belong to the territory of the GDR? 

A) Brandenburg

B) Bavaria 

C) Saarland

D) Hesse

German (Original)

Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?

17 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Czech Republic 

B) Bulgaria 

C) Greece 

D) Portugal 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

18 / 33


Who can citizens in Germany not directly elect? 

A) Members of the European Parliament 

B) The Federal President 

C) State Parliament Members 

D) Bundestag Members 

German (Original)

Wen kann man als Bürger / Bürgerin in Deutschland nicht direkt wählen?

19 / 33


Elections in Germany are free. What does this mean? 

A) You are allowed to accept money if you vote for a specific candidate. 

B) Only people who have never been in prison are allowed to vote. 

C) The voter must not be influenced or forced to cast a certain vote, and should not suffer any disadvantages because of their vote. 

D) All eligible voters are required to vote. 

German (Original)

Wahlen in Deutschland sind frei. Was bedeutet das?

20 / 33


The parliamentary opposition in the German Bundestag … 

A) Monitors the government. 

B) Decides who becomes federal minister. 

C) Determines who sits in the Bundesrat. 

D) Proposes the heads of government of the states. 

German (Original)

Die parlamentarische Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag …

21 / 33


What is not stated in the German Basic Law? 

A) Human dignity is inviolable. 

B) Everyone should have the same amount of money. 

C) Everyone has the right to express their opinion. 

D) All are equal before the law. 

German (Original)

Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?

22 / 33


The more "second votes" a party receives in a federal election, the … 

A) Fewer first votes it can have. 

B) More direct candidates from the party enter parliament. 

C) Greater the risk of having to form a coalition. 

D) More seats the party receives in parliament. r.

German (Original)

Je mehr „Zweitstimmen“ eine Partei bei einer Bundestagswahl bekommt, desto …

23 / 33


What is the work of a judge in Germany? 

A) Govern Germany 

B) Administer justice 

C) Make plans 

D) Enact laws 

German (Original)

Was ist die Arbeit eines Richters / einer Richterin in Deutschland?

24 / 33


The capital city of North Rhine-Westphalia is... 

A) Cologne

B) Bonn

C) Düsseldorf

D) Dortmund

German (Original)

Die Landeshauptstadt von Nordrhein-Westfalen heißt …

25 / 33


When was the Federal Republic of Germany founded? 

A) 1939

B) 1945

C) 1949

D) 1951

German (Original)

Wann wurde die Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegründet?

26 / 33


From which country did most migrants come to Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Poland 

C) Morocco 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land sind die meisten Migranten / Migrantinnen nach Deutschland gekommen?

27 / 33


From 1961 to 1989, Berlin was … 

A) without a mayor. 

B) its own state. 

C) divided by a wall. 

D) accessible only by airplane. 

German (Original)

Von 1961 bis 1989 war Berlin …

28 / 33


Germany is... 

A) A communist republic. 

B) A democratic and social federal state. 

C) A capitalist and social monarchy. 

D) A social and socialist federal state. 

German (Original)

Deutschland ist …

29 / 33


Which is not a characteristic of our democracy? 

A) Regular elections 

B) Press censorship 

C) Freedom of expression 

D) Various political parties 

German (Original)

Was ist kein Merkmal unserer Demokratie?

30 / 33


The abbreviation "Stasi" was used in the GDR ... 

A) the Parliament. 

B) the Ministry of State Security. 

C) a ruling party. 

D) the Ministry of National Education. 

German (Original)

Mit der Abkürzung „Stasi“ meinte man in der DDR …

31 / 33


In Germany, a change in government in a federal state can impact federal politics. Governing becomes … 

A) More difficult if it changes the majority in the Bundestag. 

B) Easier if it brings new parties into the Bundesrat. 

C) More difficult if it alters the majority in the Bundesrat. 

D) Easier if it involves a wealthy federal state. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland kann ein Regierungswechsel in einem Bundesland Auswirkungen auf die Bundespolitik haben. Das Regieren wird …

32 / 33


Where do you first have to go in Germany if you want to get married? 

A) to the residents' registration office 

B) to the public order office 

C) to the employment agency 

D) to the registry office 

German (Original)

Wohin muss man in Deutschland zuerst gehen, wenn man heiraten möchte?

33 / 33


What was not present in Germany during the time of National Socialism? 

A) Free elections 

B) Press censorship 

C) Arbitrary arrests 

D) Persecution of Jews 

German (Original)

Was gab es in Deutschland nicht während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the German citizenship test for North Rhine-Westphalia are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include any questions or answers in English. The questions and answers available on our site for the Germany Naturalization Test have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and have been translated into English. If you wish to take the Life in Germany Test for a different state in Germany, please visit our main page.

More about the state of North Rhine-Westphalia

Before reviewing the questions and answers for the Germany naturalization test for North Rhine-Westphalia, let’s briefly get to know the state. North Rhine-Westphalia is located in the midwestern region of Germany. The state has a population of approximately 18 million, making it the most populous state in Germany, and it is the fourth largest by area. The state capital is Düsseldorf, and the largest city in the state is Cologne. North Rhine-Westphalia is bordered by Lower Saxony to the north, Hesse to the east, Rhineland-Palatinate to the south, and the countries of the Netherlands and Belgium to the west. Other important cities in the state include Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg, and Bochum.

North Rhine-Westphalia contributes one-fifth of Germany’s gross domestic product and is one of the most economically powerful regions in Europe. The country’s major industrial area, the Ruhr region, is located in this state.

In recent years, the state has undergone significant changes. The Ruhrtriennale, an international arts festival held in the Ruhr region, attracts people from all over the world. Culturally, North Rhine-Westphalia is on par with cities like London and Paris.