Naturalization test for Saxony-Anhalt

If you’re living in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, completing the German naturalization test (Einbürgerungstest) is a key step towards obtaining citizenship. We’ve translated all the questions and answers in German naturalization test for Saxony-Anhalt into English, while also providing the original German text. Our practice tests closely resemble the official exam, customized for Saxony-Anhalt. Keep in mind that these are just for practice; you’ll need to schedule your official test through your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or another accredited institution.

For more insights, check out our guide: Naturalization test in Germany. To get detailed information on the naturalization process in Saxony-Anhalt, visit the official Saxony-Anhalt state website here.

Saxony-Anhalt citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


When was the Federal Republic of Germany founded? 

A) 1939

B) 1945

C) 1949

D) 1951

German (Original)

Wann wurde die Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegründet?

2 / 33


From what age are you of legal age in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 19

D) 21

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter ist man in Deutschland volljährig?

3 / 33


Members of parliament who are elected by citizens are called … 

A) Representatives.

B) Chancellors. 

C) Ambassadors. 

D) Prime Ministers. 

German (Original)

Parlamentsmitglieder, die von den Bürgern und Bürgerinnen gewählt werden, nennt man …

4 / 33


What colors are on the state flag of Saxony-Anhalt? 

A) blue-white-red

B) yellow-black

C) green-white-red

D) white-red

German (Original)

Welche Farben hat die Landesflagge von Sachsen-Anhalt?

5 / 33


Which is not a characteristic of our democracy? 

A) Regular elections 

B) Press censorship 

C) Freedom of expression 

D) Various political parties 

German (Original)

Was ist kein Merkmal unserer Demokratie?

6 / 33


Which ballot paper would be valid in a Bundestag election? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welcher Stimmzettel wäre bei einer Bundestagswahl gültig?

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7 / 33


For how many years is the Bundestag elected in Germany? 

A) 2 years 

B) 3 years 

C) 4 years 

D) 5 years 

German (Original)

Für wie viele Jahre wird der Bundestag in Deutschland gewählt? 

8 / 33


What can one be honored with in the Federal Republic of Germany for outstanding achievements in political, economic, cultural, intellectual, or social fields? 

A) The Federal Cross of Merit 

B) The Federal Eagle 

C) The Patriotic Merit Order 

D) The Honorary Title "Hero of the German Democratic Republic" 

German (Original)

Womit kann man in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geehrt werden, wenn man auf politischem, wirtschaftlichem, kulturellem, geistigem oder sozialem Gebiet eine besondere Leistung erbracht hat? Mit dem …

9 / 33


Which country is a neighboring country of Germany? 

A) Finland 

B) Denmark 

C) Norway 

D) Sweden 

German (Original)

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

10 / 33


What does this picture show? 

A) The Bundestag seat in Berlin 

B) The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe 

C) The Bundesrat building in Berlin 

D) The Federal Chancellery in Berlin 

German (Original)

Was zeigt dieses Bild?


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11 / 33


What is not stated in the German Basic Law? 

A) Human dignity is inviolable. 

B) Everyone should have the same amount of money. 

C) Everyone has the right to express their opinion. 

D) All are equal before the law. 

German (Original)

Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?

12 / 33


Who can citizens in Germany not directly elect? 

A) Members of the European Parliament 

B) The Federal President 

C) State Parliament Members 

D) Bundestag Members 

German (Original)

Wen kann man als Bürger / Bürgerin in Deutschland nicht direkt wählen?

13 / 33


Who built the Berlin Wall? 

A) Great Britain 

B) East Germany (DDR) 

C) The Federal Republic of Germany 

D) The USA 

German (Original)

Wer baute die Mauer in Berlin?

14 / 33


Why are there more than one party in a democracy? 

A) Because it represents the diverse opinions of citizens 

B) To limit corruption in politics 

C) To prevent political demonstrations 

D) To stimulate economic competition 

German (Original)

Warum gibt es in einer Demokratie mehr als eine Partei?

15 / 33


Which federal state is Saxony-Anhalt? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Bundesland ist Sachsen-Anhalt?

almanya 438

16 / 33


Which basic rights apply in Germany only to foreigners? The right to 

A) Protection of the family 

B) Human Dignity 

C) Asylum 

D) Freedom of expression 

German (Original)

Welches Grundrecht gilt in Deutschland nur für Ausländer/Ausländerinnen? Das Grundrecht auf

17 / 33


The Bundestag election in Germany is the election ... 

A) of the Federal Chancellor. 

B) the parliaments of the federal states. 

C) of the Parliament for Germany. 

D) of the Federal President of Germany. 

German (Original)

Die Bundestagswahl in Deutschland ist die Wahl …

18 / 33


Who is called the "Chancellor of German Unity"? 

A) Gerhard Schröder

B) Helmut Kohl

C) Konrad Adenauer

D) Helmut Schmidt

German (Original)

Wer wird als „Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit“ bezeichnet?

19 / 33


What do you call in Germany the unification of members of a party in parliament? 

A) Association 

B) Council of Elders

C) Parliamentary Group

D) Opposition

German (Original)

Wie nennt man in Deutschland die Vereinigung von Abgeordneten einer Partei im Parlament?

20 / 33


You want to end your employment relationship with a company in Germany. What should you consider? 

A) salary payments

B) The working hours

C) the notice period

D) the insurance obligation

German (Original)

Sie möchten bei einer Firma in Deutschland Ihr Arbeitsverhältnis beenden. Was müssen Sie beachten?

21 / 33


What did the term "Iron Curtain" stand for? For the isolation … 

A) of the Warsaw Pact against the West. 

B) of Northern Germany against Southern Germany. 

C) of Nazi Germany against the Allies. 

D) of Europe against the USA. 

German (Original)

Wofür stand der Ausdruck „Eiserner Vorhang“? Für die Abschottung …

22 / 33


On October 3, Germany celebrates German Day ... 

A) unit. 

B) Nation. 

C) Federal States. 

D) Cities. 

German (Original)

Am 3. Oktober feiert man in Deutschland den Tag der Deutschen …

23 / 33


In what period was the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in existence? 

A) 1919 to 1927 

B) 1933 to 1945 

C) 1945 to 1961 

D) 1949 to 1990 

German (Original)

In welchem Zeitraum gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)?

24 / 33


The Volkshochschule in Germany is an institution ... 

A) for religious education. 

B) for young people only. 

C) for further education. 

D) only for pensioners. 

German (Original)

Die Volkshochschule in Deutschland ist eine Einrichtung …

25 / 33


They want to abolish the bus line that you always use to get to work. What can you do to keep the bus line? 

A) I participate in or start a citizen initiative to preserve the bus line. 

B) I join a sports club and train for cycling. 

C) I contact the tax office because, as a taxpayer, I have a right to the bus line. 

D) I write a letter to the forestry office of the municipality. 

German (Original)

Man will die Buslinie abschaffen, mit der Sie immer zur Arbeit fahren. Was können Sie machen, um die Buslinie zu erhalten?

26 / 33


What was the name of the GDR's economic system? 

A) Market Economy 

B) Planned Economy 

C) Supply and demand 

D) Capitalism 

German (Original)

Wie hieß das Wirtschaftssystem der DDR?

27 / 33


German Federal President Gustav Heinemann is giving Helmut Schmidt the appointment certificate as German Chancellor in 1974. What is one of the duties of the German Federal President? 

A) He/She conducts government affairs. 

B) He/She monitors the ruling party. 

C) He/She selects the ministers. 

D) He/She proposes the Chancellor for election. 

German (Original)

Der deutsche Bundespräsident Gustav Heinemann gibt Helmut Schmidt 1974 die Ernennungsurkunde zum deutschen Bundeskanzler. Was gehört zu den Aufgaben des deutschen Bundespräsidenten / der deutschen Bundespräsidentin?

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28 / 33


The capital of Saxony-Anhalt is …  

A) Halle

B) Dessau

C) Magdeburg

D) Wittenberg

German (Original)

Die Landeshauptstadt von Sachsen-Anhalt heißt …

29 / 33


In Germany, you have the best chance of securing a well-paid job if you … 

A) Are Catholic. 

B) Are well-educated. 

C) Are a woman. 

D) Are a member of a political party. 

German (Original)

In Deutschland hat man die besten Chancen auf einen gut bezahlten Arbeitsplatz, wenn man …

30 / 33


Which fundamental right is guaranteed in Article 1 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) The inviolability of human dignity 

B) The right to life 

C) Religious freedom

D) Freedom of expression

German (Original)

Welches Grundrecht ist in Artikel 1 des Grundgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland garantiert?

31 / 33


The Federal Republic of Germany has maintained the borders of today since ... 

A) 1933

B) 1949

C) 1971

D) 1990

German (Original)

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat die Grenzen von heute seit …

32 / 33


Since when do you pay in cash with the Euro in Germany? 

A) 1995

B) 1998

C) 2002

D) 2005

German (Original)

Seit wann bezahlt man in Deutschland mit dem Euro in bar?

33 / 33


Many people in Germany work voluntarily in their free time. What does this mean? 

A) They work as soldiers. 

B) They work voluntarily and unpaid in clubs and associations. 

C) They work in the federal government. 

D) They work in a hospital and earn money. 

German (Original)

Viele Menschen in Deutschland arbeiten in ihrer Freizeit ehrenamtlich. Was bedeutet das?

Your score is

Please note: The English translations included in the German citizenship test for Saxony-Anhalt are provided solely to help you understand the content. The official test will not include questions and answers in English. The German Citizenship Test questions and answers on this site have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and translated into English. If you wish to take the “Leben in Deutschland” test for a different state in Germany, please return to our states page.

More about the state of Saxony-Anhalt

Before exploring the questions and answers for the German naturalization test for Saxony-Anhalt, let’s briefly introduce the state. The capital of Saxony-Anhalt is Magdeburg, while the largest city is Halle. The state borders Brandenburg to the east, Thuringia and Saxony to the south, and Lower Saxony to the west. It covers an area of 20,000 square kilometers and had a population of 2.2 million in 2019. The largest cities, Halle and Wittenberg, have populations of 232,000 and 50,000, respectively.

Magdeburg is a significant industrial hub with an important inland port, making it crucial for Germany’s economy. Saxony-Anhalt stands out historically, with five UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the cities of Quedlinburg and Eisleben.

The Elbe River flows through Halle, creating fertile land ideal for agriculture. The region is known for producing crops like sugar beets and potatoes, along with various fruits and vegetables. Now, it is the time for citizenship test for Saxony-Anhalt.