Naturalization test for Schleswig-Holstein

If you live in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, completing the German naturalization test (Einbürgerungstest) is a crucial step in the citizenship process. We’ve made it easier by translating all the test questions and answers in German naturalization test for Schleswig-Holstein into English, with the original German text also available. Our practice tests are designed to reflect the actual exam you’ll face, customized for your state. However, remember that these are for practice only; you’ll need to schedule your official test through your local VHS (Volkshochschule) or another certified institution.

For more in-depth information, check out our guide: Naturalization test in Germany. To explore further details about the naturalization process in Schleswig-Holstein, visit the Schleswig-Holstein official state website here.

Schleswig-Holstein citizenship test in English


You will encounter 33 questions in this quiz. Out of these 33 questions, 30 are general questions about Germany, while 3 are specifically tailored for the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

In this test, you must select the correct answer from four options for each question. To apply for citizenship, you need to answer at least 17 out of 33 questions correctly.

You must complete the test within 60 minutes.

When you take the official citizenship test in Germany, you will only see the questions and answers in German.

Question catalog update date: 25.06.2024

1 / 33


What applies to most children in Germany? 

A) Voting obligation 

B) Compulsory school attendance 

C) Duty of confidentiality 

D) Religious obligation 

German (Original)

Was gilt für die meisten Kinder in Deutschland?

2 / 33


By which treaties did the Federal Republic of Germany join with other states to form the European Economic Community? 

A) Through the Hamburg Treaties 

B) through the Treaties of Rome 

C) through the Paris Treaties 

D) through the London Treaties 

German (Original)

Durch welche Verträge schloss sich die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit anderen Staaten zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zusammen?

3 / 33


The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany was ... 

A) Ludwig Erhard

B) Willy Brandt

C) Konrad Adenauer

D) Gerhard Schröder

German (Original)

Der erste Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland war …

4 / 33


What does the German Basic Law prohibit? 

A) Military service

B) Forced labor

C) free choice of profession

D) Working abroad

German (Original)

Was verbietet das deutsche Grundgesetz?

5 / 33


What is allowed in Bundestag and Landtag elections in Germany? 

A) The husband votes on behalf of his wife. 

B) One can cast their vote by mail. 

C) One can cast their vote by phone on election day. 

D) Children from the age of 14 are allowed to vote. 

German (Original)

Was ist bei Bundestags- und Landtagswahlen in Deutschland erlaubt?

6 / 33


From what age are you of legal age in Germany? 

A) 16

B) 18

C) 19

D) 21

German (Original)

Ab welchem Alter ist man in Deutschland volljährig?

7 / 33


How does the German state finance social security? 

A) Church taxes 

B) Social security contributions 

C) Donations 

D) Association contributions 

German (Original)

Womit finanziert der deutsche Staat die Sozialversicherung?

8 / 33


What is the name of the parliament for all of Germany? 

A) Federal Assembly 

B) People's Chamber 

C) Bundestag 

D) Federal Court of Justice 

German (Original)

Wie heißt das Parlament für ganz Deutschland?

9 / 33


How many occupation zones were there in Germany after the Second World War? 

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

German (Original)

Wie viele Besatzungszonen gab es in Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg?

10 / 33


From June 1948 to May 1949, the citizens of West Berlin were supplied via an airlift. What circumstance was responsible for this? 

A) For France, supplying the West Berlin population by airplane was more cost-effective. 

B) The American soldiers feared ambushes during land transport. 

C) For Great Britain, the airlift was a faster means of supply. 

D) The Soviet Union interrupted all land transportation routes. 

German (Original)

Vom Juni 1948 bis zum Mai 1949 wurden die Bürger und Bürgerinnen von West-Berlin durch eine Luftbrücke versorgt. Welcher Umstand war dafür verantwortlich?

11 / 33


Which federal state is Schleswig-Holstein? 

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Bundesland ist Schleswig-Holstein?

12 / 33


Which insurance does the long-term care insurance belong to? 

A) Social insurance 

B) Accident insurance 

C) Household insurance 

D) Liability and fire insurance 

German (Original)

Zu welcher Versicherung gehört die Pflegeversicherung?

13 / 33


Which is a district in Schleswig-Holstein? 

A) Ammerland

B) Mecklenburgische Seenplatte

C) Nordfriesland

D) Rhein-Sieg-Kreis

German (Original)

Welches ist ein Landkreis in Schleswig-Holstein?

14 / 33


What is the Bundeswehr? 

A) The German police 

B) A German port 

C) A German citizens' initiative 

D) The German army 

German (Original)

Was ist die Bundeswehr?

15 / 33


Which cities have the largest Jewish communities in Germany? 

A) Berlin and Munich 

B) Hamburg and Essen 

C) Nuremberg and Stuttgart 

D) Worms and Speyer 

German (Original)

Welche Städte haben die größten jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland?

16 / 33


Which religion has shaped European and German culture? 

A) Hinduism 

B) Christianity 

C) Buddhism 

D) Islam 

German (Original)

Welche Religion hat die europäische und deutsche Kultur geprägt?

17 / 33


Why is there a 5% threshold in the electoral law of the Federal Republic of Germany? It exists because … 

A) the programs of many small parties have many similarities. 

B) citizens may lose orientation with many small parties. 

C) many small parties complicate the formation of a government. 

D) small parties do not have enough money to pay politicians. 

German (Original)

Warum gibt es die 5 %-Hürde im Wahlgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? Es gibt sie, weil …

18 / 33


What was the "Stasi"? 

A) The secret service in the "Third Reich" 

B) A famous German memorial site 

C) The secret service of the GDR 

D) A German sports club during World War II 

German (Original)

Was war die „Stasi“?

19 / 33


From 1961 to 1989, Berlin was … 

A) without a mayor. 

B) its own state. 

C) divided by a wall. 

D) accessible only by airplane. 

German (Original)

Von 1961 bis 1989 war Berlin …

20 / 33


Who elects the Federal Chancellor in Germany? 

A) the Bundesrat 

B) the Federal Assembly 

C) the people 

D) the Bundestag 

German (Original)

Wer wählt den Bundeskanzler / die Bundeskanzlerin in Deutschland?

21 / 33


From which country did the first guest workers come to the Federal Republic of Germany? 

A) Italy 

B) Spain 

C) Portugal 

D) Turkey 

German (Original)

Aus welchem Land kamen die ersten Gastarbeiter / Gastarbeiterinnen in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

22 / 33


On October 3, Germany celebrates German Day ... 

A) unit. 

B) Nation. 

C) Federal States. 

D) Cities. 

German (Original)

Am 3. Oktober feiert man in Deutschland den Tag der Deutschen …

23 / 33


What symbol is to be seen in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag? 

A) the federal eagle. 

B) the flag of the city of Berlin. 

C) the imperial eagle. 

D) the imperial crown. 

German (Original)

Welches Symbol ist im Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages zu sehen?

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24 / 33


In which year did the National Socialists destroy synagogues and Jewish stores in Germany? 

A) 1925

B) 1930

C) 1938

D) 1945

German (Original)

In welchem Jahr zerstörten die Nationalsozialisten Synagogen und jüdische Geschäfte in Deutschland?

25 / 33


Which coat of arms belongs to the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein?"

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

German (Original)

Welches Wappen gehört zum Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein?


26 / 33


For how many years is the Bundestag elected in Germany? 

A) 2 years 

B) 4 years 

C) 6 years 

D) 8 years 

German (Original)

Für wie viele Jahre wird der Bundestag in Deutschland gewählt?

27 / 33


What did Willy Brandt want to express with his kneeling in 1970 at the former Jewish ghetto in Warsaw? 

A) He submitted to the former Allies. 

B) He asked for forgiveness from Poland and the Polish Jews. 

C) He showed his humility before the Warsaw Pact. 

D) He said a prayer at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

German (Original)

Was wollte Willy Brandt mit seinem Kniefall 1970 im ehemaligen jüdischen Ghetto in Warschau ausdrücken?

almanya 181

28 / 33


Who decides whether a child goes to kindergarten in Germany? 

A) the state 

B) the federal states 

C) the parents / legal guardians 

D) the schools 

German (Original)

Wer entscheidet, ob ein Kind in Deutschland in den Kindergarten geht?

29 / 33


German Federal President Gustav Heinemann is giving Helmut Schmidt the appointment certificate as German Chancellor in 1974. What is one of the duties of the German Federal President? 

A) He/She conducts government affairs. 

B) He/She monitors the ruling party. 

C) He/She selects the ministers. 

D) He/She proposes the Chancellor for election. 

German (Original)

Der deutsche Bundespräsident Gustav Heinemann gibt Helmut Schmidt 1974 die Ernennungsurkunde zum deutschen Bundeskanzler. Was gehört zu den Aufgaben des deutschen Bundespräsidenten / der deutschen Bundespräsidentin?

almanya 070

30 / 33


What do you automatically pay in Germany if you are permanently employed? 

A) Social insurance 

B) Social assistance 

C) Child benefit 

D) Housing benefit 

German (Original)

Was bezahlt man in Deutschland automatisch, wenn man fest angestellt ist?

31 / 33


The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social ... 

A) association of states. 

B) federal state. 

C) confederation. 

D) central state. 

German (Original)

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein demokratischer und sozialer …

32 / 33


After the Second World War, which countries were referred to in Germany as "Allied Occupation Forces"? 

A) Soviet Union, Great Britain, Poland, Sweden 

B) France, Soviet Union, Italy, Japan 

C) USA, Soviet Union, Spain, Portugal 

D) USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France 

German (Original)

Welche Länder wurden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland als „Alliierte Besatzungsmächte“ bezeichnet?

33 / 33


In 2007 the 50th anniversary of the "Treaties of Rome" was celebrated. What was the content of the treaties? 

A) Accession of Germany to NATO 

B) Foundation of the European Economic Community (EEC) 

C) Germany's commitment to reparations 

D) Definition of the Oder-Neisse line as eastern border 

German (Original)

2007 wurde das 50-jährige Jubiläum der „Römischen Verträge“ gefeiert. Was war der Inhalt der Verträge?

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Please note: The English translations provided in the German citizenship test for Schleswig-Holstein are intended only to assist with understanding the content. The official test will not contain any questions or answers in English. The German Citizenship Test questions and answers available on the site have been sourced from the official website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and translated into English. If you wish to take the “Leben in Deutschland” test for another state in Germany, please return to our states page.

More about the state of Schleswig-Holstein

Let’s get to know this state before diving into German naturalization test for Schleswig-Holstein. Schleswig-Holstein is Germany’s northernmost state, located between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It borders Denmark to the north, Hamburg to the south, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the southeast. The state covers an area of about 15.8 thousand square kilometers and has a population of 2.9 million as of 2019. The capital city is Kiel.

Kiel University, recognized in global rankings, is a key institution in the state, along with the renowned Flensburg University of Applied Sciences.

With its coastal location, Schleswig-Holstein has significant ports in Kiel, offering job opportunities in shipbuilding and fishing. The state is responsible for two-thirds of Germany’s fish production, yet fishing is not the primary source of income. The main economic driver is tourism, particularly centered around the North Sea island of Sylt, a popular and lucrative holiday destination. Now, let’s start your journey with the citizenship test for Schleswig-Holstein.