Occupational disability insurance in Germany

Occupational disability insurance (Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung) in Germany protects you against the financial consequences if you become professionally incapacitated due to an accident or health problems. In short, you continue to receive benefits from the insurance if you are unable to work.

Why is occupational disability insurance necessary?

In the case of occupational disability, which can happen to anyone, there are often permanent financial risks. State support, such as disability pensions, is often insufficient on its own. With reasonable labor security, you can maintain your previous standard of living. Therefore, occupational disability insurance for all professionals, including the self-employed (e.g. doctors) or the self-employed, helps you to maintain your standard of living even in the event of an occupational disability.

Insurance coverage example

Inability to work for a long period of time
Andrew will be unable to work for an extended period due to an accident he experienced in Germany, necessitating ongoing treatment. His company will cease salary payments after a certain point. Nevertheless, Andrew will continue to receive a portion of his monthly income through his chosen occupational disability insurance, the amount contingent upon his selected policy.
Financial support for diagnoses such as cancer
Regrettably, Oliver has been diagnosed with cancer and will be undergoing treatment in Germany. Since Oliver won't be able to work, he will receive financial assistance for a certain period, the duration depending on the rate of his occupational disability insurance.

Sample coverages above represent occupational disability insurance for expats in Germany and varies depending on the insurance company and tariff type. The applicable coverage is specified in your insurance tariff.

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